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Cultivation Issues That Should Not Be Neglected

Feb. 13, 2007 |   By Jing Lian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Gansu Province


1. Doing the Exercises is a Serious Issue

Although it is important to cultivate our "xinxing," we cannot neglect the seriousness of doing the exercises. Some practitioners' exercise movements are not accurate, and some people even add other movements during the exercises. This is often common in more rural areas where practitioners do not see each other frequently.

Cultivation is a very serious matter. We must be responsible for ourselves, and we have to take these things seriously. Hence, I believe that we must strictly follow our Teacher's exercise movements. The movements should be generally consistent without too much variance. It's almost the end of the Fa-rectification, but our exercise movements are still inaccurate. How is it that we cannot do well on this fundamental issue? I suggest all practitioners read The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa. We haven't shared regarding this particular issue for quite some time, and no one seems to have thought much about it. Even though I was aware of this problem, I didn't pay attention to it. Several days ago, while reciting the Fa, I was suddenly aware of the seriousness of this issue.

Teacher said in Zhuan Falun:

"Anyone who tries to change the Falun Dafa exercises is undermining Dafa and this school of practice. Some people have turned the exercise instructions into rhymes, and that is absolutely not permitted. A genuine cultivation way is always passed down from a prehistoric time. It has been preserved from quite a remote age and has successfully cultivated numerous great enlightened people. No one dares to change a bit of it. Such a thing can only take place in this Dharma-ending Period of ours. These things have never occurred throughout history. Everyone must be very careful with this issue. "

"Under no circumstances and for no reason can anyone alter even a bit of the movements with which we are to reach Consummation. Otherwise, this person is undermining the Fa, regardless of whether his motives are good or not." ("Immutable," Essentials for Further Advancement)

If our exercise movements are incorrect, will that be okay? If we add other movements, doesn't it alter the exercises? Furthermore, when doing meditation, some people sway back and forth, like a Chinese tumbler. When some practitioners legs slip down during the sitting meditation, they put them back up. This may occur several times during the exercise. If both one's hands and legs are changing positions, doesn't this interfere with the qi mechanism? A disciple asked Teacher about this issue:

"Question: If we're bitten by a mosquito while doing the meditation, is it okay to scratch the bump?

Teacher: If you've scratched it, you've scratched it, but it's best if you don't. When you scratch while practicing, your qi mechanism will be fouled up." ("Teaching the Fa and Answering Questions in Jinan," Zhuan Falun Fajie - The Law of Zhuan Falun Explained)

Yesterday, we held a small-scale Fa conference and all who participated were veteran practitioners. Eight or nine of them did the exercises inaccurately, and some had problems performing them. Has performing the exercises improperly over time warped the qi mechanisms? We have to truly take responsibility for ourselves!

2. Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts

Sending forth righteous thoughts is one of Teacher's three requirements. There are many experience sharing articles about this issue. However, a number of practitioners still ignore the importance of sending forth righteous thoughts. Many practitioners have decreased the frequency of sending forth righteous thoughts and neglect doing so every day at the four set times. Also, some people's righteous thoughts are not strong enough, they become sleepy, or their hand position is not correct. The ability to send forth righteous thoughts is an important tool Teacher bestows on us. Hopefully, practitioners who have these problems can correct their wrong states as soon as possible, eliminate the evil, and fulfill their pledges!

The above is just my personal understanding. Please correct me if anything is inappropriate.