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VOA: Two Canadian Investigators Urge Public Not to Go to China for Organ Transplants

Feb. 4, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) Two Canadians, the former Secretary of State for the Asia-Pacific region and a well-known human rights lawyer, recently called on countries around the world to discourage their citizens from going to China for organ transplants because such organs may be seized from unwilling Falun Gong practitioners or detained prisoners.

According to an article from Voice of America (VOA) on February 2, Canadians David Kilgour and David Matas released 16 items of additional material to their report which was published last summer. With these new materials, they are attempting to tell the public that organ harvesting is a widespread phenomenon in China. The additional materials include the following: the total number of medical facilities in China which are capable of performing liver transplant has increased from 22 in 1999 to 5,000 in 2006; and the 2004 income from organ transplant operations for the Armed Police General Hospital in Beijing nearly doubled compared to its 2003 income.

The VOA report said that the two called on the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to warn Canadians not to got to China for organ transplants. In addition, they also hope that Canada and other countries will enact legislation to ban citizens from going to China for organ transplants.

Matas said that in China most organs used for transplant are from executed prisoners and Falun Gong practitioners who have not agreed to donate their organs after death.

Former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific David Kilgour believed that the prisoners were not willing volunteers even if they signed a will to donate their organs after execution. He said that the Chinese Communist regime often executes prisoners to obtain organs. Therefore, going to China for an organ transplant means that someone will be executed and thus the organ recipient in fact becomes an accomplice to murder. He believed that given the situation in China, the international community should boycott the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing to express their protest.

Kilgour said that they hope that the Canadian Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee as well as many others, including governments, athletes and sponsors should all consider this question: Should we interact with such a government that has done such horrific things to its own citizens?