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Persecutors from Handan City, Hebei Province

Feb. 5, 2007


Gao Fei, a policeman from the Handan Forced Labor Camp, Hebei Province, had previously worked at Handan University. Because of his sinister and brutal character, he was promoted by Cao Zhixia, the head of the 610 Office of Handan City, to the city 610 Office. In his work, Gao turned out to be a cunning and cruel man. His superiors were very pleased with his flattery, and he was further promoted to the Handan City Forced Labor Camp, where he took a position responsible for trying to force Falun Gong practitioners into giving up their beliefs. Gao believes that he has been put into an important position by his superiors. He spares no effort to persecute practitioners and is active in all regions of Handan City. His crimes have been broadcast as great achievements on the city's TV station because he has persecuted Falun Gong practitioners with extreme cruelty.

Tian Qing, Gao's wife, is a staff member of the library of the Professional Technique School of Handan City. As a wife, she should have tried to stop her husband from committing crimes by telling him to stop persecuting Falun Gong. However, she takes much pride in her husband's crimes and boasts everywhere about how her husband has been promoted into important positions.

Xu Guangwei is the head of the intermediate court of Handan City. In all the city hospitals, any patient that wants to have an organ transplant must have his or her name listed in the intermediate court beforehand. The waiting time could be as long as one or two weeks or as short as several days before the court advises the hospital to get ready for the transplant. Xu Guangwei, we hereby solemnly ask you, what is the source of the organs provided for transplant? Don't they come from the bodies of Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners? Every year the prisoner executions are well documented and recorded. You, Xu Guangwei, have no right to harvest their organs, even if they are prisoners.


Cao Zhixia, head of the 610 Office of Handan city
Zhou Guojiang, secretary of the political and law committee
Li Guihong, head of the Handan police department
Guo Yunxing, Wang Junren and Duan Kewen, the deputy heads
Huang Yukai, head of the operative group.

Handan Forced Labor Camp:
Zhang Xiuping, the head
Chen Yin, the political commissioner
Wei Yongshen, the deputy
head in charge of persecuting Falun Gong
Zhao Guojiang, official in charge of the 610 affairs
Prison guards: Zen Yiwei, Zhang Wenshan, Li Poyong, Gao Fei, Jia Yingbing, Zuo Tao, Gao Jingli, Hao Jingjiang, Yao Jianming, Li Haiming, Wang Zhiming, Liu Chaobo, Qi Xiaojian, Xing Yanshen, Xue Peijun, and Shen Yingjun.

Perpetrators from Handan County:
Li Deyong, director of the 610 Office
Yang Ruiting, head of the police department
Cui Shujun, the deputy head in charge of persecuting Falun Gong
You Yong, head of the national security group.
Zhu Junhua, the deputy head of the police department
Li Ying, a section head in charge of persecuting Falun Gong.