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Why Do We Have Any Fear at All?

Feb. 5, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently the authorities in Sichuan Province arrested many Falun Dafa practitioners, including 40 or so practitioners in Chengdu City alone. Seeing the high density of evil spirits and rotten minions in the other dimensions of Chengdu City, I immediately sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate them. Soon the evil beings were destroyed, although the evil elements were spared.

After sending forth righteous thoughts, I shared my experience with other practitioners. They too saw various evil spirits. After hints from Master, I suddenly realized, "Master is controlling and commanding everything in the human world and in Fa-rectification. Now, as all evil beings are being completely dissolved, why do we have any fear at all? As long as we firmly believe in Master, and believe in Dafa, all evil will be destroyed in no time." I also understood that practitioners are tested to the very end on whether they truly believe in Teacher and Dafa.

Under Teacher's immense strengthening, the supernormal capabilities Teacher has given to practitioners are now very powerful. One day a practitioner who is a local contact person told me that, after looking within, she could see that it was because of her attachments that some practitioners were arrested in her area. Seeing her genuine heart of looking within, Teacher must have helped her through my supernormal capabilities when I was sending forth righteous thoughts: Instead of seeing myself surrounded by energy fields of light and heat, as I normally do, I saw that my supernormal abilities were violently exploding in her space field, like an atomic bomb. Later she told me she felt very light and comfortable. In fact, Teacher has given us the ability to protect and adjust ourselves.

After many of our fellow cultivators were arrested, some practitioners' hearts became no longer peaceful. Actually, this event came from our own hearts. If we believe there is evil, we must be recognizing the existence of evil. If we're afraid of evil, it is the same as inviting evil. And if we take the evil too seriously, we are permitting the evil to persecute us severely. In that case, how could we thoroughly negate the arrangements of the Old Evil Forces or deny their existence? This is similar to the situation when we cannot let go of the attachment to illnesses or of the thought of being ill. In fact, that would be the same as looking outward, as looking outside ourselves.

We absolutely don't permit the evil persecution or even recognize its existence. However, evil beings are most rampant when we don't do well or have too many problems or attachments. All bad environments are suited to evil beings and their survival. The more rampant the evil, the more attachments we need to let go of. This is because all changes come from our cultivation practice and our validating the Fa, just as Teacher taught us. When evil spirits are rampant, it requires us to more thoroughly look within ourselves and elevate ourselves according to the Fa and in terms of our xinxing standard. Only this way can our righteous thoughts become stronger, our concentration deeper, and our hearts more peaceful and stable. The number of evil beings will continue to decline until they are totally annihilated. How rampant they are and how badly they persecute practitioners is related to all Dafa practitioners. Practitioners are responsible for the situation, because when we are righteous, "Buddha's light shines everywhere, propriety and righteousness harmonize everything." (Zhuan Falun)