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The Persecution Suffered by Falun Dafa Practitioners Mr. Zhang Yanqing and Mrs. Gao Yanqing of Hebei Province

Feb. 5, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net).]

Mr. Zhang Yanqing and Mrs. Gao Yanqing are Dafa practitioners from Fengshengzhuang Village of Baigou Town, Beidian City, Hebei Province. Mr. Zhang Yanqing is 36 years old, and his wife Mrs. Gao Yanqing is 38 years old.

On the night of December 23, 2000, Mr. Zhang Guoqiang, the former Head of the Yihezhuang Village local police station, led a group of thugs that arrested and took Mr. Zhang Yanqing to the brainwashing center located in the Shooting Range of Gaobeidian City. Mr. Zhang Yanqing came under attack every day. He was locked up there for 11 days. He was not released until policeman Zhao Kejun succeeded in extorting 5,000 yuan from his family.

The police frequently harassed Mr. Zhang Yanqing's family and confiscated property from their home. On the morning of January 22, 2002, Zhang Yanqing was arrested by four policemen from the Yihezhuang Village local police station and taken to the Shooting Range in Gaobei City for persecution. He was not released until February 9. Again, they extorted his family out of more than 7,000 yuan to obtain his release.

On the morning of July 18, 2002, Wang Tiegang, Wang Zhanchao and another policeman from the Baigou Police Sub-bureau arrested Mr. Zhang Yanqing and brought him to the Yihezhuang Village local police station. That afternoon, Mr. Zhang Yanqing was able to escape. From then on, he was compelled to leave home and go from place to place to avoid further persecution.

On August 29, 2002, Mrs. Gao Yanqing was arrested and taken to the Baigoudong local police station. That afternoon she was transferred to the Baigou Police Sub-bureau. The next day they dragged her back to the Yihezhuang local police station. Mrs. Gao Yanqing was imprisoned there for 11 days.

On the morning of September 27, 2002, police officer Wang Tiegang and another person from the Baigou Police Sub-bureau brought Mrs. Gao Yanqing once again to the local police station. The next day (on the 28th), the police sent her to the brainwashing center located in the Shooting Range of Gaobeidian City.

On October 7, 2002, Mr. Zhang Yanqing was seized by the Sushui Criminal Police Brigade. In the Brigade, he was beaten until his body was covered with bruises. There were eight Dafa practitioners who were mercilessly beaten and tortured in the Sushui Criminal Police Brigade at that time.

On October 18, 2002, the police took Mrs. Gao Yanqing from the Shooting Range to the Zhuozhou Legal System Educational Base for further brainwashing. On October 31, she was returned to the Gaobeidian Shooting Range. All together, she was imprisoned for two months. On November 27, 610 office policeman Zhao Kejun and his group extorted Mrs. Gao Yanqing out of 2,000 yuan before they let her go.

On April 18, 2003, policemen Wang Tiegang, Liu Zhihua and two others barged into Mrs. Gao Yanqing's home and confiscated her family's personal belongings. Mrs. Gao Yanqing was able to get away, but she was forced to leave home and go from place to place for a year to avoid further persecution.

On October 8, 2003, Mr. Zhang Yanqing was secretly sentenced to 13 years in jail by the Xushui County court of Hebei Province. He was imprisoned in the First Jail of Baoding, Hebei Province. In the Baoding First Jail, Mr. Zhang Yanqing remains steadfast in his faith in Dafa, despite brutal persecution. On April 26, 2004, Mr. Zhang Yanqing was tortured repeatedly, to the brink of death.