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Investigation Leads: China's National Organ Bank Finds a Matching Organ for Transplant in One Day

Feb. 6, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) After the horrifying discovery of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners and the immediate cremation of their bodies to destroy the evidence was exposed on March 4, 2006, the Falun Dafa Association and the Minghui and Clearwisdom websites founded the "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China" (CIPFG, also called "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution") one month later. The CIPFG is collecting information from people who have come forward and is calling on people who know the truth to further expose crimes concerning illegal organ harvesting in China. We call on all people of conscience to lend their help to expose the facts of this vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners inside secret concentration camps, forced labor camps, prisons and hospitals in Mainland China. The sooner this atrocity is fully exposed, the sooner this brutal persecution will end. Below is information that has come to light recently.

Investigation Lead: China's National Organ Bank Finds a Matching Organ in One Day

China's Shouyi Bao newspaper published an article on June 18, 2004, "Teamwork between Three Cities Made Possible an Urgent Liver Transplant." The authors of the article are Wu Yuhua and Li Peng. Mr. Meng, 58, suffered from hepatitis, cirrhosis and finally liver cancer. On May 17, Mr. Meng had exploratory surgery in the Tianjin City Cancer Hospital. During the surgery, a large tumor was discovered and immediately removed from the liver. Because the remaining liver tissue was too small to keep Mr. Meng alive, the hospital immediately contacted Beijing Chaoyang Hospital for a matching liver, as there was not time to lose for a liver transplant. Chaoyang Hospital immediately contacted many places to search for a liver donor.

On May 18, Chaoyang Hospital received information that Shanghai Changzheng Hospital was going to have a liver transplant that day and the donor's blood type was the same as Mr. Meng. After some communications, Shanghai Changzheng Hospital decided to transfer the liver to Chaoyang Hospital.

Then on May 18, the patient was transferred from Tianjin Cancer Hospital to Chaoyang Hospital. The doctors at Shanghai Changzheng Hospital were already busy removing the liver from the donor and then took it to Beijing without delay. At 10:00 pm., doctors of the Liver Transplant Team in the Surgical Section of the Chaoyang Hospital performed the liver transplant on Mr. Meng. This type of transplant surgery is performed by hospitals in three regions – Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai.

The speed of finding such a donor and being able to redirect it without concerns over consent is highly suspicious, and corroborates reports of involuntary organ transplantation from prisoners of conscience, such as imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners.

Investigation Clue: Three Kidney Transplant Operations Were Performed Within Two Hours in Xinhua Hospital of Dalian University

The New Commercial Newspaper reported that on December 29, three kidney transplants were performed within two hours. Thirty organ transplants of major organs such as the liver, heart, kidney, lung and stomach have been performed at that hospital as of today.

These three kidney transplants were performed by many doctors and other medical personnel. The process began with the removal of the kidneys and their shipment to the transplant center. On that day, someone took the kidneys to Houyan toll gate of the Shenyang-Dalian Highway. Then, the three kidneys were transferred to the ambulance that was waiting there. At 2:00 p.m., the ambulance stopped in front of the Xinhua Hospital of Dalian University, where doctors and nurses took the ice boxes into the operating room.

Investigation Clue: Kidney Transplant News from the Urinary Organ Transplant Center of Qidu Hospital

1. Four Kidney Transplant Operations in One Night

At 3:00 a.m., March 23, 2006, Li Dayue and other doctors, including the director of the Urinary Organ Transplant Center, performed kidney transplants on four uremia patients at the same time. So far, the doctors in this hospital have performed 24 kidney transplants in the period of about one year. Only two of the cases involved a donation from a family member.

2. As of July 2005, Ten Kidney Transplants Have Been Performed at Qidu Hospital

As of July 2005, ten kidney transplants have been performed at the Organ Transplant Center of Qidu Hospital.

3. First Kidney Transplant

In January 2005, the first kidney transplant was performed in the Organ Transplant Center. The patient's cost amounted to 41,500 yuan (including expenses after leaving the hospital). (Contact phone number: 0533-7328076, Director Li)

4. Four Kidney Transplants

In July 2005, four kidney transplants were performed in the Organ Transplant Center of Qidu Hospital within a period of ten days. The patients were from Yongfang, Zibo, Wuhan, and another province.