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People from Leiyang, Hunan Province Witness the Miracles of Dafa

Feb. 7, 2007


1. Old Mrs. Lu is in her 70s and lives in Dashi County. In recent years, her daughter was sent to a labor camp because of her belief in Falun Gong and Mrs. Lu’s eldest son passed away. Mental trauma and ill health have resulted in her back becoming severely hunched. Her arms and legs are also crooked. Such a condition has caused many difficulties to her.

On the fifth day of the eighth lunar month last year, which was also her birthday and the third day of her cultivation in Dafa, she experienced a miracle. She said to her daughter, "On the first night, I felt that somebody was pushing my back. On the third day, I felt my back actually become a lot softer and quick in action. When I did the exercises on the first day, I could not find any balance; I was not able to stand there steadily to do the third exercise. After half a month, however, my bent back gradually straightened." When her son and the whole family discovered the changes, all of them said it was miraculous. They all support her in her cultivation practice.

2. Liu Jiumei lives in Yeetang, Leiyang City. She is 83 years old. She started cultivating in Dafa in 1998. Before her cultivation, she suffered from osteoproliferation that caused pains in her lower back and feet. Her body was crooked and she could not stand straight. Her third daughter took her to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital to get acupuncture and moxibustion. But this did not help her in any way. On her first day when she started to practice Falun Gong, Master purified her body. In time she could stand straight, all the pain disappeared, and she became healthy again.

After the persecution started, policemen often went to harass Mrs. Liu, and she was forced to stop her cultivation. In December 2005, she was suffering from serious sickness karma. On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month last year, she took a physical examination in a women’s hospital and a traditional Chinese medicine hospital. The results showed that she had liver, spleen and kidney failure. There was also an appearance of Toxuria in an advanced stage. Mrs. Liu was mentally devastated. Two of her relatives are doctors. Both of them felt helpless and said that she could only possibly have three to five days left to live. They gathered the whole family to talk about her funeral affairs.

After Dafa practitioners heard of this, they played the music of Pudu and Jishi, and Master’s lectures. Several hours later, her mind became clear. Her family members let her take transfusions for three days. A traditional Chinese medicine doctor urged again and again that she should undergo dialysis. One the fourth day, Mrs. Liu could sit and listen to Master’s lectures. She could eat a little food, as well.

From then on she became diligent in cultivation. She does not need to take medicine anymore. Now she’s totally healthy and can look after herself, too. Her white hair is beginning to turn black again. She said emotionally, "Now I only believe in Master and Dafa. I will cultivate to the end!" Her whole family has no doubts about Dafa. They all say, "Falun Dafa is miraculous!"