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Clearly Seeing Through and Negating the Old Forces' Arrangements

Feb. 7, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Many persecution cases have been reported on the Minghui website during the past two months. There were two common characteristics in those cases. First, a home truth clarification material production center was undermined, equipment was stolen, and later, practitioners were illegally arrested. The case is the same with many practitioners in Xinbin County, Fushun. Second, practitioners were arrested while distributing truth-clarifying materials.

We have gone through eight years of cultivation while negating the persecution. We have also accumulated rich experiences. We are walking toward the end of the Fa-rectification period. It is worthwhile for all Dafa practitioners to reflect on why the persecution is still happening given the fact that very few evil beings and elements remain. Of course there are reasons, such as personal predestined relationships, that differ in thousands of ways as well as the lack of overall cooperation, etc. However, whether we can walk the right path arranged by Teacher depends mainly on whether we attach importance to our cultivation, whether every one of our thoughts is oriented from the standpoint of Dafa, and whether we see clearly and negate the old forces' arrangements.

Recently various attachments and old notions that have been removed have surfaced again in my thoughts one by one. Teacher arranged for us many opportunities to expose them and to help us improve. In the workplace many mentalities were exposed, such as the pursuit of fame, showing off, jealousy, attachments to competition, and anger in relationships with superiors. Also, there are attachments to self interest, affection among family members, love of our spouses, attachments to handling others, resenting being criticized, pursuit in how much we study the Fa, anxieties, zealotry while clarifying the truth, fear, attachments to doing things, etc.

I know that Teacher is taking every opportunity to help me improve and walk away from being manipulated by the old forces so that I can do the three things with a purer heart. I study the Fa with great effort and take every opportunity to restrain and disintegrate the notions that do not belong to my true self or are not in accordance with Dafa, as well as the deteriorated beings, specters, and rotten demons that interfere with Fa-rectification by using these notions. Meanwhile, I insist on sending forth righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth. I eliminate those notions and fundamentally deny the arrangement of the old forces during the process of cultivation. I return to calmness just like nothing has happened as I write this experience sharing article.

Walking through the several years of hardship actually is the path of fighting against various notions and attachments. Only by studying the Fa solidly and changing the postnatally acquired elements with righteous thoughts can we walk our own paths righteously. Facing the persecution mentioned above, I personally believe that the reasons include our attachments are eliminated layer by layer and on every layer there exist the elements for us to improve and the old forces' interference. Therefore, we have to be diligent, otherwise we will be interfered with, or even be undermined in an instant. Secondly, some practitioners haven’t walked through their period of personal cultivation with a clear understanding of the Fa. During the past several years, while the evil has persecuted practitioners so violently, their attachments were mitigated but not eliminated. Under the current situation with less evil, some practitioners came out to do the three things with the mentality of making up for lost time in pursuit of Consummation, just like the monk that does consecration but knows only the surface and not the essence. The result would be equivalent to pursuing the persecution and acknowledging it. The remaining evil elements intensified the persecution in the name of testing Dafa practitioners, thus bringing losses to Fa rectification and interfering with saving sentient beings. Finally, it is because some individual practitioners are not mature in cultivation, do not pay attention to details, and do not cultivate speech, letting the evil beings know where the material production centers can be found. Then the persecution persists.

To do all three things well involves changing one's notions, letting go of fear, and solidly doing things that assist Teacher in Fa rectification. In order to avoid and deny the persecution, some notions should be fundamentally eliminated, such as distributing truth-clarifying materials is violating the law, this is fighting against the government or participating in politics; downloading from Dafa websites is violating the law or may be detected; distributing materials may be reported to the police or one may be arrested; improving will bring hardships or imprisonment in the labor camps; computers at home will be monitored closely; Dafa books and truth materials are evidence used to persecute practitioners; fear of cold, hunger, tiredness and sleepiness, elements of CCP culture, etc. Reading through all Teacher's lectures, we cannot find in the Fa that a practitioner may be persecuted if he or she is doing the three things well. Then how come those notions came into being in our minds to manipulate us? Aren’t they the notions forced on us by the old cosmic beings for the sake of interfering with Fa rectification? They are not in line with Fa-rectification cultivation and can only play the role of interference. All these must be fundamentally denied and cleared away in Fa rectification.

Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioners should only validate the fundamental Dafa of the universe: Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. We exist to assist Teacher in Fa rectification and save sentient beings. We do not exist for the old cosmic forces and beings that have deteriorated, not to mention being manipulated or interfered with by them, because we are Dafa practitioners being protected by Teacher and the Fa,