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My 94-Year-Old Mother's Cultivation Story

Feb. 7, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner outside China


In 2002, I brought my mom from my hometown in Northeast China to Beijing to live with me, since the cultivation environment in my hometown was not good. Since then we have cultivated together.

Mother was illiterate, and she was a little deaf. Because she was very old, she had many diseases. After she came to Beijing, we did the exercises together and I read Dafa books to her. Soon after, her diseases all disappeared. She said that sometimes she could not clearly hear what we said but when I read Dafa books to her, she could always hear it clearly. Sometimes I asked her if she could understand the Fa I read to her. She said she could understand all that I read. Once her legs were in pain. She said that her legs were in pain before, and later the pain was alleviated. However, the illness wasn’t really cured. Master had the pain come out again and he helped her to cure it thoroughly. What she said really touched me. The Buddha Fa is boundless. As long as you really want to cultivate yourself, the Buddha Fa can always save you no matter what your situation is.

After my mother cultivated with me for a year, I could not stay in Beijing due to the persecution. I had to leave her with my younger sister (my sister is also a practitioner) and go abroad. In my sister’s home, my mother continued to study the Fa and do the exercises every day. She became more and more diligent, and her health condition became better and better. She spoke with a strong voice and she became more spry. Her complexion looked very healthy. She also took care of the children for her grandson’s wife and did a lot of housework. Last year my sister told me that my 93-year-old mom experienced menstruation after cultivation. The Fa is truly magical.

Recently my mother has grumbled about my elder brother and his wife not practicing Falun Gong. She asked me to call them to tell them to start practicing as soon as possible. Actually, my sister and I are also very worried. My brother is a senior Communist Party member. My sister and I tried several times in recent years. However, we still cannot persuade them to quit the CCP.

On January 15, 2006, my mother got up in the morning, did the exercises and studied the Fa. Then she suddenly passed away without any warning. My elder brother and other relatives rushed to Beijing from northeast China. They had not seen my mother for a few years. When they saw her, they were all very surprised. My mother looked much younger than the time she was in northeast China. The color of her face looked healthy. She passed away without any illness. She looked very quiet and peaceful, as if sleeping. My brother and my relatives were all full of admiration for Dafa. My sister took this chance to tell them, "Mom was really concerned about two things. One is that she was very distressed that you did not realize how good Dafa is. The second is that she was really worried about you because you have not quit the CCP."

After my mother's funeral affairs were finished, my brother said when he had dinner with others before he left, "These last few days we worked together very well. Mom’s funeral went very smoothly. I can also understand that my sister (i.e. me) cannot come back. If she comes back, she will be arrested by the CCP. These last few days I have thought about it and have decided to quit the CCP. Actually, I already knew that the CCP is very corrupt. They have done too many bad things and people are all very mad at them. There is no way to cure the CCP. We know Falun Gong is very good. Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. After they practice Falun Gong, they all became more healthy and good people.

After my sister saw my brother off, she called my sister-in-law in northeast China to persuade them to quit the CCP. My sister-in-law was very happy and she said, "I am not a party member or Youth League member. There is nothing for me to quit. Let me ask my children. If any of them have ever joined the party, I will ask them to quit."