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Let Us Treasure Dafa Materials

Feb. 7, 2007 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I know a practitioner couple. At first the wife practiced Falun Gong, but the husband didn't. Beginning in 1999, due to the intense persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the husband forbade his wife from practicing Falun Gong. By chance, the husband received some Dafa material. After he read it, all of his diseases healed miraculously.

Both the husband and wife used to suffer from illnesses. The wife fully recovered after practicing Falun Gong, but the husband still suffered from sickness. His wife tried to persuade him to practice Falun Gong, but he never accepted the idea and even disturbed his wife when she practiced. Especially after 1999, he stopped his wife from doing anything related to Falun Gong.

One day, the husband saw some Dafa material on a table. Before, he had never looked at nor believed in what those materials said. This particular flier had a story talking about how a person experienced a miraculous recovery after practicing Falun Gong. The person in this case had the same illness as the husband did, so the husband read through it carefully. After reading the story, he felt hot. He thought: "Could this material really have an effect on me?" He was fascinated with the material and began to sweat. He then crossed his legs and continued reading. His whole body was sweaty.

Now he understood that Falun Gong was unusual and marvelous. When he finished reading all the material, the cushion he sat on was drenched with sweat. At that moment, his illness disappeared and his entire body felt light. He told his wife excitedly: "From now on, I have decided to practice Falun Gong." From then on, he told everyone he ran into that Falun Dafa is good, and he started to help his wife to do the three things.

In 2001, in order to protect Dafa materials, the husband hid them in the courtyard. Later, he was sent to a forced labor camp. After he returned, he couldn't find the materials because he forgot where he put them. In 2003, the husband was sent to a forced labor camp again. At that time, they had many truth-clarification materials at home. The wife decided to hide them in an empty place outside of the courtyard, but then she couldn't find them either. This year, when they tidied up the house and tore down a wall, they found the materials. Even though all the bags that contained the materials had rotted, Teacher's articles and other Dafa materials were still in a brand new condition.

The reason I wrote this down is to let everyone know that we should treasure Dafa materials because many practitioners have put forth much effort into them.