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Tianshui Prison in Gansu Province Utilizes Criminals to Persecute Practitioners

Feb. 7, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) Tianshui Prison in Gansu Province utilizes criminal convicts to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. Practitioner Mr. Liu Zhirong, who was illegally imprisoned in the First Prison District, was often severely beaten by inmates. Criminal inmates bound his arms and legs before they went to work and stuck him under a bed. Then they released him when they returned from work. Mr. Liu has been tortured to death, and his body bears a wound under one ear caused by beating.

Practitioner Xu Feng, who is illegally imprisoned at the Fourth Prison District, was transferred to the new prison building in October. At first he was in a patient ward that holds 18 people. Twenty days later, he was transferred to a confinement room with four inmates assigned to "sandwich" him. No one else is allowed to enter or exit the room, and he has been denied all free time and contact with others. He has been followed and watched, even in the restroom and while he sleeps at night. The four that sandwich him are: Du (surname), who is a chief member of a black society in Lanzhou City; the second is a murderer, Zhao (surname), from Lanzhou; the third is a thief of ancient tombs; the fourth is a robber, Yao (surname). Their prison terms are two for life, one for 20 years and one for 16 years respectively. Each of the four inmates has helped police try to "transform" more than two practitioners. They use violence, and their tricks are hidden and cunning. For a single "transformation," each inmate is rewarded 40 transformational points as well as being praised and recognized for merit. Doing forced labor for one month earns one only 10 points.

It is this kind of criminal convict that the police make use of to torture practitioners. For example, Zhao has been used to torture practitioners ever since he came into the prison. With his life sentence unchanged, he is supposed to be under strict control. However, he is assigned to torture practitioners because he has money to bribe the prison officials.

Tianshui City Prison
Address: #196 Jianshe Road, Qinzhou District, Tianshui City, Zip code 741000
Prison Director, Wei Xinggang
Deputy Director, Chu Zhiyong
Political Commissar, Zheng Zhanhai: 86-938-8279097
Department Head, Dong Shutang, Deputy: Liu Jiangtao 86-13139382077(Cell)
The First Prison District: 86-938-8278849
Head of the First District, Wang Qiang: 86-13893803369(Cell)
Instructor Su: 86-13893853656(Cell)
Sub District, Wu Fusheng: 86-938-3374346
Second Prison District: 86-938-8278954
Third Prison District: 86-938-8279072
Team Leader of the Third Group: 86-938-8278968 86-938-8278987
Deputy Team Leader: 86-938-8278938 86-938-8278956 86-938-8279086
He Dingping: 86-13519083681(Cell)
Fourth Prison District: 86-938-8278971
Subgroup leaders: Wen Yanming, Zhang Yanming and Wang Tao
Fifth Prison District: 86-938-8278934