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Changchun Dafa Practitioners Were Arrested and Police Performed Farce Before the Sixth Asian Winter Games

Feb. 7, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) With the phony excuse of "protecting" the Sixth Asian Winter Games, the Changchun Police have illegally arrested more than fifty Dafa practitioners within a week. Several hundred practitioners have been placed under house arrest, and the police department and other agencies have more than a thousand others under surveillance.

On the morning of January 28, before the kick-off of the games, Hu Jintao visited the "Euro-Asian Market" in the southwestern suburb of Changchun. In order to please Hu and cover up price gouging, large scale lay-offs and the complaints and appeals of local citizens, members of the Changchun Party Committee forced market business owners to pretend to conduct "business-as-usual," and they recruited three thousand police officers to act as patrons in order to complete the ruse.

Officers from the Chaoyang Police Department pretended to patronize a deli booth when Hu passed by, and officers from other stations did the same at other booths. Office staff members from the Changchun City Police Department pretended to buy from different market booths, and other officers played different parts.

Deputy Party Secretary Li Shuguo of the Changchun City Party Committee said at a security meeting on January 27, "If any Falun Gong practitioners or anyone else who wants to appeal attempts to approach the area, they are to be fined or punished more than usual. No punishment is too harsh, and I will take full responsibility." He added, "Anyone who tells Hu and his staff that police officers are playing the role of patrons in the market will also be punished severely," and, "All the officers who impersonate buyers must memorize lines so they can speak smoothly, they mustn’t make mistakes." The lines are like: If Hu asked whether the living the cost is too high to bear, the answer should be the living cost in Changchun has been stable and the society has been stable. If Hu asked about monthly income, the answer should be between 1,200 and 1,500 yuan. In addition, police officers are encouraged to say more words to praise the CCP's rule.