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Do Not Let the Negative Lessons Continue

Feb. 8, 2007 |   By A Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 24, 2006, some Falun Dafa practitioners in Shandong Province went somewhere near a court session to send forth righteous thoughts. This should be a good thing for practitioners’ cultivation and for eliminating evil, however evil took advantage. Although this incident happened while the local practitioners were sending forth righteous thoughts close by, the act of sending forth righteous thoughts in close proximity in itself is not wrong. So what did the practitioners neglect to do in accordance with the universe’s characteristics? These practitioners had previously suffered from this kind of loss in previous years under various circumstances. Why have we repeatedly experienced similar losses merely under different circumstances? Some practitioners said they should temporarily stop promotion of sending forth righteous thoughts in close proximity because certain practitioners are not quite rational. I want to use this incident to express my opinions about this incident and my understanding of a different aspect in our cultivation.

This is what happened: That particular day, 610 Office leaders Yu Zhibin and Liu Jingbin led the police, who arrived in police vehicles, to arrest twenty-three Dafa practitioners. These scofflaw officials had previously searched local practitioners' homes around July 20, 1999, when the persecution began, and knew their appearances. Now, in 2006, they arrested any practitioner they saw, no matter if the practitioner was walking in the street or sitting by the roadside. Some practitioners from the countryside were arrested immediately after their buses arrived at the station around the court.

After Master’s article "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil" (October 24, 2006) was published, Dafa practitioners in all regions have realized that they should act with wisdom and flexibility and get close to the evil dens where Dafa practitioners are detained, such as labor camps and prisons. They together send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the rotten demons and dark minions, to prevent the evil from continuing to detain Dafa practitioners, and to completely disintegrate the evil.

Dafa practitioners in many regions have voluntarily organized efforts to get close to the labor camps to send forth righteous thoughts. While this was going on – in addition to many big changes that can't be perceived by the naked eye, many practitioners who had previously not let go of their attachment of fear have stepped forward to validate the Fa and catch up with the progress of the Fa-rectification. These are good things that have happened during the Fa-rectification. As a result, the evil gang of Jiang and Luo, on their last gasp, are panicking. Unwilling to give up, they rampantly use their evil accomplices to actively persecute Dafa practitioners. Facing this, if all Dafa practitioners treat their own cultivation with wisdom and clear minds, cooperate with each other, do well with the three things and cultivate themselves well, the evil will not be able to succeed, and their evil doings will be eliminated, as if they stood in front of Dafa practitioners to be eliminated, which will speed up the process of their total destruction.

In this dimension, every time the evildoers commit bad deeds, they are exposing their own perverted nature. Of course, Dafa practitioners can’t wait for their self-exposure, and we need to quickly expose the evil in their regions to their local residents. Otherwise, many of the ordinary people may base their thinking on the Party culture and use a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mindset long since contaminated by propaganda and lies in their way of judging present events.

People have expressed many desires and wishes, ever since ancient times. However whether they can actualize these wishes depends on heavenly ordinances. Now the biggest heavenly ordinance is Fa rectification. How can we still tolerate the evil running rampant? That is to say, what people want does not count, nor does what the rotten demons and evil specters want. The persecution has happened. It would be nice if it had not happened, because then we would not have to cultivate amid the persecution. If Dafa practitioners can make the best use of time and opportunity however, we will be able to show people the purity, compassion, and the indestructibility of the Fa and of practitioners, and thus offer more sentient beings salvation.

The Chinese consulates have recently again tried to sabotage the New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) Chinese New Year Spectacular. This does not mean that the evil is still very powerful. Instead, it is just a physiological reaction, that Jiang and Luo, as well as those bad elements that have entered the Three Realms are unwilling to see their complete demise. The Chinese consulates’ sabotage efforts have, in turn, made it possible for the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular to catch society's more widespread attention and generate more positive impact. Of course, this kind of positive effect could only be achieved through overseas Dafa practitioners who seize the opportunity to do what every Dafa practitioner should do, and forbid the evil to act rampantly. In the meantime, all gods in the cosmos, after all, are also paying attention to the matter of Fa rectification. When Fa rectification reaches this current stage, the positive attitudes of many gods toward Fa rectification are also manifested through people’s actions, because matter and lives in the cosmos have all kinds of complicated connections.

Since the evils are constantly being eliminated in large numbers, the recent external environment in China has improved. Unfortunately, some practitioners, because they have not done well in Fa study, tend to understand the Fa in radical ways and have slacked off in their xinxing cultivation. They are not rational and wise. Some of the practitioners who have become coordinators only one or two years ago are enthusiastic in doing Dafa work. They want to do more work and do well the three things in the final phase of Fa rectification, but because they have slackened in their Fa study, or they have not caught up in their Fa study after they were released from labor camps, etc., they are not rational enough in their understanding of the Fa and tend to go to extremes. They like to do things on a large scale and in well-recognized ways, or show off their own capabilities. That is, their mindsets are mixed with ordinary people’s notions when they do Dafa work, and their thoughts are not pure.

Some practitioners, although they are not involved in coordination work, have also showed similar problems in their cultivation. They pay attention to the formalities of doing things while overlooking the elements for their cultivation. As a consequence, some of the previously experienced losses that we suffered in prior years have recurred, and the practitioners have not learned lessons from these severe losses. This is a painful phenomenon and should have not happened.

Practitioners who stepped out early to validate the Fa have gone through the process of gradually realizing things in a proper way and ascended. For those who stepped out late, or those who wasted a long time in the disaster of being jailed, having been arranged by the old forces, should cherish even more every opportunity and walk well according to the Fa, because Master has made the Fa principles clear, as well as the time left for our cultivation.

Additionally, some practitioners have extremely strong egos. They are indifferent to the persecution that has repetitively happened in other regions, or to other practitioners. They may feel that the problems are others’ problems, and not theirs. They have not followed Master’s words, that a cultivator should search within himself when encountering problems, and that even the third person who has seen a conflict should also cultivate himself and determine why he saw this conflict. In fact, the principles of cultivation are the same, and a cultivator does not need to get arrested several times, or detained for several years before knowing that he or she needs to let go of his or her attachments.

We have often seen that when some practitioners in a region were arrested for their lack of reasoning, that region’s coordinator and practitioners would immediately summarize their lessons, find what aspects they had not done well, quickly share understandings with their local practitioners, and then ask for help to rescue the arrested practitioners. But many practitioners in other regions were indifferent toward the persecution happening elsewhere. Only when practitioners in their own regions were also arrested did they remember to summarize their lessons, from which they would realize that they did not do well in similar respects. They would then hurriedly write an article about their local situations and ask for help. Over a period of time this situation has occurred repetitively, which is a reflection of the practitioners’ being unable to keep up with the progress of Fa rectification.

If persecution has happened in one region because of the existence of fear among the practitioners, Dafa practitioners around the world, especially those in China, should then be on alert and improve their understanding of the Fa, and let go of their attachments to recognition, reputation and fear. In this way, the evil will be unable to find the same loopholes to exploit, and Dafa practitioners can jump out of the bad circle of passively "fighting fire" and even more actively do well what we should do.

There are also practitioners who have paid [diligent] attention to Fa study, been lucid about important issues, known the needs of Fa rectification, and clearly seen the other practitioners’ mistakes and attachments. But they have gone into a different sphere of misunderstandings: When they see the others’ mistakes, they forget that they should also cultivate themselves by learning from those mistakes. When confronted with conflicts, their hearts become agitated, but they are then not aware of their incorrect mindsets. They search externally or get attached to others’ mistakes and forget one thing, that the mistakes are not the practitioners’ true selves but their post-natally acquired notions and bad substances. They are thus unable to treat other practitioners compassionately. Some practitioners always argue with each other over specific matters and get into a stalemate, because both sides have just stressed their own strong points, while at the same time they have stared at the other side’s shortcomings. They have forgotten that Dafa cultivation means all of them searching within themselves and constantly raising their levels.

Acting this way can cause estrangements among practitioners and offset our power to eliminate the evils and rescue sentient beings. Of course, this situation has occurred not only in China but also in other countries. The losses do not only fall on the practitioners who made these mistakes, as the beings in the local regions or countries, or even many of the beings in other dimensions who are related to these practitioners may also suffer grave losses. It will be too late if the practitioners still cannot let go of these attachments.

When a conflict or problem occurs, practitioners should be on alert, search internally, concentrate their minds on the Fa, see where they have not done well and what they should have done but failed to do, and quickly repair the damage. For those areas where other practitioners have failed to do well, we should try hard to help correct the situation. Doing it this way will help the whole body of Dafa practitioners become more clearheaded and rational, because each practitioner is a part of that whole body. One who does not want to change but only wants to change others cannot change the whole body of Dafa practitioners. Everyone being able to change him/herself from the inside is a genuine manifestation of Dafa in the human world.