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Practitioner Mr. Mo Yongbing from Pengxi County, Sichuan Province, Detained in Yongchuan Prison

Feb. 8, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Mo Yongbing is about 60 years old. He has been repeatedly persecuted for practicing Falun Gong and is now detained in Yongchuan Prison.

In 2002, Wang Kaisheng from the Qunli Town Police Station and other police officers broke into Mr. Mo’s house and ransacked it. At that time, Mr. Mo did not feel well and was lying in bed. Wang Kaisheng ordered him to go to the police station with him. Mr. Mo said that he was unable to walk and had been bedridden for several days. Wang Kaisheng announced that if he could not walk he would be carried to the police station. Two other officers then carried Mr. Mo out and pushed him into the police car. They took him to the detention center in Moxi County. Wang Kaisheng returned by himself to ransack Mr. Mo’s house and found 600 yuan in a book. At that time, only Mr. Mo’s wife was at home. She has been paralyzed for many years and depended on her husband to take care of her. She could only watch as the police took the only money their family had. She worried about her husband's well being, and had no money and no one to take care of her. She lived under extreme torment. Three days later, she died.

The police let Mr. Mo go home only after his wife had died. After his wife’s funeral, Mr. Mo went to Wang Kaisheng to get his money back. He told Wang that it was the money he earned with his hard work and begged him to return the money to him. Wang Kaisheng said that the return of the money depended on his performance. After awhile, Mr. Mo went to ask for the money again. Wang said that the money had been confiscated because of his poor performance.

In 2003, Wang Kaisheng told Mr. Mo to go to the Qunli Town Police Station in an attempt to force him to give up his cultivation of Falun Dafa, but Mr. Mo refused to cooperate. Wang Kaisheng then sent him to the Suining Brainwashing Center. After that, Mr. Mo had to live on the streets to avoid further persecution.

On July 24, 2005, Mr. Mo was arrested by Wang Kaisheng and officers from Hechuan National Security Brigade of Chongqing City. He was detained in Hechuan Detention Center in Chongqing City. Later, he was secretly sentenced to three years in prison by the Hechuan Court and transferred to Yongchuan Prison in Chongqing City. He is now in the Third Prison District of Yongchuan Prison. Mr. Mo is suffering from inhuman torture in prison. His family members were prohibited from seeing him when they visited.

Wang Kaisheng is the former director of the Qunli Town Police Station. His home address is 48 Tianshun Street, Pengnanchang Region. He is now the director in Sanfeng Town, Penxi County, and owns the Yitianshun Hotel: 86-825-5480078, 86-13982528088 (Cell)

The Hechuan Detention Center: 86-23-42882313

The Sixth Prison District, Yongchuan Prison: 86-23-49800572