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Dafa Practitioner’s Songs Move the Heart and Soul

Feb. 9, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) One day when I was reading "Minghui Weekly" online, all of a sudden a song that gladdened the heart and refreshed the mind came out of my computer, "Precious Chinese people, did you know that the whole world is saying, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Falun Dafa Hao!’ Do not miss this precious chance." I could not stop my tears….

One day I was reading the songbook written by Dafa practitioners to validate Dafa, and I began to sing the song "Please Sit by My Side." I sang until "...we call for the end of torturing, the end of killing, the end of the persecution, compassion grows in our hearts
together in silence and our wishes can make a difference." Immediately, I felt more resolute and powerful. Thinking about the fellow practitioners in the labor camps and prisons, I quickly became aware of my responsibilities. The song and tears told me to be more diligent in doing the three things.

One night I was telling a story to my four-year-old grandson Pengpeng, about a children’s song "The Story of Stars" which was written by a Dafa practitioner. I explained the lyrics to him, "We all came from heaven, and when we practice Falun Dafa and listen to the Master’s teaching, we can all go back to heaven. It is beautiful and blazing with color! If you do not practice Falun Dafa and do not listen to Master, you will not be able to go back to heaven."

Pengpeng with his eyes wide open totally was absorbed in the story. I then began teaching him to sing the song over and over, " Mother told me, the stars in the sky correspond to each and every one on earth, I am thinking and I am looking to see which one is me. Falun rotate and spin, carry me back to heaven, there are living creatures in my paradise. I will tell myself to assimilate to Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, and have a wonderful future…."

The next day, over supper, Pengpeng suddenly told his father, " Dad, I tell you, we all came from heaven. It is beautiful there, there are heavenly girls who are spreading flowers and little angels with wings. If you do not practice Falun Dafa, you cannot go back there. Grandpa, grandma, mommy and I are all Dafa practitioners, when we all go, only you will be left alone…" His father does not practice Falun Gong and does not understand cultivation, so after hearing what Pengpeng said, it shook him up a little. He was looking a little embarrassed and thought to himself for a while, then nodded his head.

There are one hundred and fifty Dafa Songs, and each song is concentrated with Dafa practitioners’ energy and wisdom. Many people really praised the show performed by Dafa practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners are extraordinary! Falun Gong has all sorts of talented people. One seventy-year-old orchestra conductor said, "Falun Gong practitioners' songs are full of connotation, full of energy and power, and they can shake the hearts and souls of people." This artist (who is not a practitioner) said, " I have a feeling and a wish that someday I will be able to stand on a large stage and sing along with all the Dafa practitioners, Falun Dafa is good! The Fa rectifies heaven and earth!" He kept saying this and we were all deeply moved. That day will not be far.

I knew that our home phone had been tapped by the Public Security Bureau and the cities’ 610 Office, and I had changed our phone number several times as a result of it. When I make phone calls, there is a loud echo at times and the volume is very low. Other times it is full of noise. One city leader called me over the Chinese New Year and threatened me over the phone, "Don't you think that no one knows what you are doing. You are not honest, Your phone contacts and your behavior have been under close surveillance, even the conversation we are having is being recorded and it is going to be dangerous if you persist with this..." I sent forth righteous thoughts and replied, "Whoever does this is violating the law and he is responsible for it. I did not do anything wrong, and whatever I do is open and I want people to know..." The person hung up the phone in rage.

For a long time whenever I looked at the phone, something bothered me. I was disgusted with the Public Security Bureau and 610 Office indecencies. I went to numerous places to appeal and their reply was, "There is no legal restriction regarding how to deal with Falun Gong. They will not be protected by the law and no one will take the case." When I sung the Dafa song, I found compassion in my heart and I understood that they also need to listen to the truth. After I understood this, something in my heart which had bothered me for a long time went away. I picked up the phone and sung loudly to the phone, "Coming for You," "Be Saved," "Eccentric," and "Falun Dafa Hao." I kept singing and I felt wonderful and light hearted!

Ever since then, I sing Dafa songs and play Dafa music over the phone. I want to send the Dafa information to those who monitor me. I naturally clarify the Dafa truth and no longer worry and fear. I still pay attention to safety issues. I noticed that my phone now has less echo and noises. I understand the power of righteous thoughts through these events.