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Do Not be Restricted by Personal Circumstances, Firmly Walk Well on the Path of Fa-rectification Cultivation

Feb. 9, 2007 |   By a Practitioner in Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) Greetings, Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

My name is Wu Xiaozi. I used to have asthma, which accompanied me almost my whole life and made my life miserable. In order to find a way out in my life, I tried various types of Buddhist ways. One day, I saw TV coverage on Falun Gong (Falun Dafa), as well as Teacher Li. Upon seeing Teacher on TV, I told myself, "I will give up all the previous cultivation ways and learn only Falun Gong." At that time, I did not know why I was so determined. Probably my knowing side realized that only Falun Dafa could save me.

When attending the 9-day lectures for the first time, I felt physically uncomfortable but still made it to the class. However, I could not endure it on the third day, so I went to the hospital. After coming back home, I asked a veteran practitioner if I could still attend the 9-day lecture, and the answer was yes. So I managed to attend the class on the following day and each day after that until the 9-day seminar was over. After that, I started my journey of Fa-rectification period cultivation.

After beginning to practice, the first obstacle that confronted me was illiteracy, since I could not read and was thus unable to study Zhuan Falun. However, I was not intimidated and learned to read Zhuan Falun one word at a time. When having difficulty, I would look up a word in the dictionary or ask my daughter. Little by little, I was able to read Zhuan Falun, as well as other articles by Teacher.

During these several years of cultivation, my health improved significantly. Nonetheless, from time to time, I experienced symptoms of being ill. But no matter how uncomfortable it was, I would not pay attention to it but continue with Fa-study and doing the exercises, as well as doing all the things I am supposed to do. I would like to give a recent example. During a parade in Banqiao City in November of last year, I held a big banner. Although such a banner would normally require three people to hold it, I held it by myself and managed to walk a relatively long way, despite the strong wind. The next day, I had symptoms of being ill. Although I felt very bad and was unable to eat, I did not take a break until after preparing meals for my family as usual. Later, I had to go to the bathroom many times, and my entire body was purified. Things were back to normal after two days.

Through continual Fa-study, I came to understand Dafa disciples need to do the three things well. But I was illiterate and did not have any special skills, so I just helped wherever needed. In the past several years, in addition to joining large-scale activities, I also participated in many projects to validate the Fa, such as writing truth-clarification letters, distributing fliers, making lotus flowers, and so on. I also joined the local waist drum team. In addition to participating in Dafa activities in Jilong, I also joined the performances in others cities and counties as far away as Jinmen. In addition, no matter if it was freezing cold in winter or the hot summer under the burning sun, every week I would go to the group exercise practice by the Summer Palace, so that tourists from China could see the wonderfulness of Dafa and its popularity here in Taiwan.

Later, I heard fellow practitioners say it was very important to clarify the truth over the Internet. Since I don't have a computer at home, every day I ride a bike to classrooms where fellow practitioners have set up computers for us to clarify the truth and help people to quit the CCP and its subordinate organizations. At the beginning, I just copied and pasted the previously prepared materials. Later I tried to clarify the truth in my own way.

During this 7-year long battle between the righteousness and evil, Dafa practitioners have taken various approaches to validate the Fa. Therefore, there are many projects that we can join depending on our own situations. Even if you do not have any special talents, you can still go out to the street to distribute fliers or introduce Dafa to people at tourist sites. Even if a practitioner has to stay at home, he can still clarify the truth over the Internet or by making phone calls. At least, one can write truth-clarification letters and distribute pamphlets. In addition, there is also much support work that needs to be done, such as folding lotus flowers or making costumes for the various Fa-validating activities.

Moreover, with fellow practitioners’ help, the truth clarification on the Internet has become easier and easier. We can often see practitioners in their 60’s or 70’s sitting in front of the computer clarifying the truth and helping people to quit the CCP. I think this is compassion from Teacher, since every practitioner could validate the Fa and do the three things well, rather than being limited by his own personal circumstances.

In summary, in the past several years of cultivation, I have been walking steadily in spite of constant illness karma and other difficulties I've faced while validating the Fa. After all, we have practiced such a wonderful Dafa. If we are not doing well, we really are not being responsible to ourselves.

Above are my personal understandings. Please kindly point out anything improper.