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Dabei Women's Prison (Liaoning Province) Officials Persecute Practitioners

Feb. 9, 2007 |   By a Falun Gong Practitioner in Liaoning Province


How Policewomen He Ling persecuted Falun Gong practitioners

From the end of November 2001 on, Group Two in the Eighth Division of Dabei Prison began to detain Dafa practitioners. Leader of Group Two He Ling (in her early 30's) was pretending to be a good person and cared very much for her reputation. She always listened to section chief Gu Yaxing's directions and tried to avoid visibly persecuting practitioners. In July 2003 she was transferred to Group Four of the Eighth Division; in 2004, she was promoted to a senior staff member in the Prison Affairs Section.

How He Ling persecuted practitioners when she was leader of Group Two

1) When practitioner Ms. Wang Chunying was detained at Group Two in July 2002 she shouted loudly some words to defend Dafa on her way to a worksite. He Ling closed Wang Chunying's mouth with duct tape. Then she tied Ms. Wang up and forced her under a work bench. She also told criminal Li Jiang (who left the prison after serving four years for robbery) and Gui Lijiao (left prison in 2005 after serving seven years for drug trafficking) to watch Wang Chunying. Later she sent Ms. Wang to a hospital and performed force-feeding there.

2) Practitioner Ms. Lin Kun was detained in Group Two in September 2002. In December 2002 the prison began to force her to "reform." Policewoman He Ling electrically shocked her face with a baton, which badly burned her skin. She also tied Lin Kun to a wood board and did not let her sleep at night. Three other criminal inmates also participated in the torture. They were Wang Cuikun (robber serving a seven year term), Xiao Guiqin (swindler serving a six year sentence) and Zhang Dan (assault, serving a ten year term).

3) Practitioner Ms. Song Caihong was transferred from Masanjia Labor Camp to the prison in October 2002 and began to serve a five- year sentence. Criminal inmates Wang Jingzhi (hooliganism, five year sentence) and Qiu Xiaohong (serving a four year term for extortion) were assigned to beat and insult Ms. Song. Policewomen Zuo Xiaoyan (division head) and He Ling (group leader) used electric batons to torture her. When policewoman Jiao Lingling later joined Group Two she asked policewoman Wang Jingzhi, "How did you get Song Caihong to compromise?" "We used torture," Wang said. Jiao Lingling added shamelessly, "This is the result of education by the group leader."

Policewoman Jiao Lingling's crimes

1) Practitioner Ms. Dai Ruilian was sentenced to two years in prison and remained in the prison until April 2005. When she was sent to the prison in 2003, Jiao Lingling called practitioner Dai Ruilian into her office every day and tortured her with electric shocks. Eventually Dai was reformed to give up Falun Gong practice.

2) Practitioner Ms. Wang Hong received a four-year sentence in 2004. In the winter of 2004, Jiao Lingling stripped off all of Wang Hong's clothes except her underwear and forced her under a bed on the concrete floor to endure the cold. In the Spring of 2005 when her family visited her, they left some food for Ms. Wang, but policeman Gao (a group leader) refused to give her the food. To protest this unfair treatment Ms. Wang went on a hunger strike. Policewoman Zuo Xiaoyan took her to a tiny solitary cell for more than a month. The prison also frequently withheld fine grains (wheat and rice) in her meals and only supplied her with a piece of corn bread, leaving her in starvation. Several criminal inmates also helped to persecute her. They were Wei Zaichun (murderer), Li Hong and Xiao Guiqin.

3) Practitioner Ms. Liu Junlu received an 11-year sentence in January 2003. In the winter of 2004, the prison began a new campaign to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. One day after work several criminal inmates came to her cell and physically assaulted her, forcing her to "reform." In March 2005, the police forced practitioner Wang Hong to appear in front of a third floor workshop. They made her remain in a position with her upper body bent forward and a signboard hung around her neck, with words slandering Falun Gong and Master Li written on the board. After practitioner Ms. Liu Junlu saw this, she went to Jiao Lingling's office to protest. To punish Liu's open protest, Jiao ordered criminal inmates to handcuff her hands behind her back and made her stand all day in the workshop. In the evening they continued to torture her. For three nights they used a different torture technique. One night they stripped Liu Junlu of all her clothes and chained her hands and feet. They raised one of her legs with a chain and also wrote insulting words on her body. They even touched the private parts of her lower body. The torture took place in a bathroom. They opened all the windows and sprayed cold water on her. Several criminal inmates stepped on her hands, severely injuring her left arm. She could not raise her left arm for several months afterward. Although she eventually could move her arm, the scar on her wrist is still clearly visible. The following criminals participated in the persecution: Deng Xiujie (murderer, death sentence with two years grace period, released in October 2005), Li Xiujun (murderer, 15 year in prison), Zhang Min (swindler, six-year in prison), Jiang Xiuting (murderer, life in prison), Ren Xia (11 years sentence), Li Hong, Wang Jingzhi and Gui Lijiao.

4) Practitioners Liu Junlu, Zhang Huaping and Wang Hong refused to recite the prison rules. To punish them, the prison stopped their fine grain supply starting July 2004. They were only given corn bread, no more than 4 pieces at a time; sometimes they were given only one or two pieces, far from enough. In the six months period, they were close to starving during a six-month period. When the only food supply was fine grain (wheat and rice) for other prisoners. The practitioners would have no food to eat.

5) Practitioner Zhang Huaping was serving a four-year sentence. In March 2004, the prison forced her to read literature slandering Falun Dafa as a way to brainwash her. Every day after the hard labor she was forced to read such literature together with four criminal inmates. After one month, criminal Li Guizhi (swindler serving life in prison) began to repeatedly slap Zhang Huaping on the face, directed by the police. Between every slap she would ask Zhang, "Do you agree to compromise?" Zhang refused to compromise. When the criminal was exhausted for slapping, Zhang Huaping asked policewoman Jiao Lingling whether or not she endorses physical punishment. Jiao could not answer. She later told the criminals to stop. This brain washing process lasted seven months.

6) Financial persecution. Jiao Lingling charged the imprisoned practitioners fines by accusing them to fail meeting production quotas; the fines could be several dozen yuan or a few hundred yuan. Jiao Lingling complained once while the practitioners made labor camp uniforms that they had failed to meet the quota for this low profit product and charged Zhang Huaping and Li Hongshu 300 Yuan each. She also charged everyone (including Zhang Huaping and Li Hongshu) 30 Yuan per day for low productivity; so, in nine days, each person paid 270 Yuan, while Zhang and Li paid 570 Yuan each.

The police also often took other people's money and personal belongings. When Li Hongshu's family brought her some items during the 2005 Chinese New Year, section chief Gu Yaxing told group leader Gao Nan to keep everything for themselves. On October 8, 2004, when Zhang Huaping's family visited her, the police refused to let them see her; Jiao Lingling even took 300 Yuan from the family and kept the money in her own pocket.