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Some Thoughts about Saying "I have not cultivated well" and "I am no good"

Feb. 9, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) While sharing experiences with fellow practitioners, I often hear other practitioners say, "I am no good," or "I have not cultivated well" and other statements of a similar fashion. I use to say things like this, but I no longer do. When I started to do more Fa study and when I truly entered the state of solid cultivation, I realized that these sentences carry many negative elements and they had become obstacles to my cultivation path. I have now regained my self-confidence. We are Falun Dafa disciples helping Teacher to do Fa rectification. We have Teacher and Dafa, therefore we must succeed. Below I would like to share some of my understandings with fellow practitioners. If there are any mistakes, I ask fellow practitioners to point them out to me with compassion.

"I am no good" is a statement and a manifestation of the poison that is left-over from CCP party culture and must be eliminated. We have been living in a dictatorship under the evil CCP for tens of years and have been poisoned by its party culture. Not having self-confidence is an old notion that we formed from living under the deceptive polices of the evil CCP. Now we are Falun Dafa cultivators and we are the most fortunate people in the world. We must use Dafa to guide us and assist us to rectify our every single word and action, and eliminate the poison from the CCP party culture. We must be steadfast and believe our Teacher and believe in Dafa. We must also use the wisdom we have obtained in the process of practicing Falun Dafa to save people by persuading the Chinese people to do quit the CCP and its affiliates. We are capable of doing everything well.

There are times during our cultivation when we do an insufficient job. This is normal. Teacher told us a truth in Zhuan Falun:

"I'll tell you a truth: the whole process of cultivation is a process of constantly getting rid of human attachments."

Our cultivation is a process that involves studying the Fa a lot, constantly letting go of a bad human heart, constantly rectifying ourselves, until finally we cultivate into a righteous enlightened being that is selfless. As Teacher's disciples, we must follow the requirements set forth by Teacher. If we fall short, we should find the cause and rectify it, and do better the next time. A cultivator should not give up easily and say, "I am no good" just because we fall short some of the time.

We must pay attention to the cultivation of speech. In Zhuan Falun, Teacher said,

"...if you have a certain amount of energy, the words you say have an effect..."

We have cultivated for so many years and every one of us have some abilities. Therefore the words we speak carry a certain amount of energy. Then, if we always say, "I am no good", or "I have not cultivated well", we are strengthening the evil energy without knowing it. We are providing the evil with an excuse to persecute us, because what the evil fears most is our cultivating well. In saying this we unintentionally nourish the tribulation. Fa rectification has progressed to its final stage. We must study the Fa a lot, and study the Fa well. We must pay attention to every single thought we have, and be mindful to only say things beneficial to Dafa. We must be steadfast in strengthening our self-confidence. We are Dafa disciples who are following Teacher and are here for Fa rectification. We are beings walking the path of becoming Gods.