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Disciples Clarify the Truth, Master Offers Salvation to Sentient Beings

Feb. 9, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Li is a resident of Inner Mongolia. One day he received a phone call from his father. His father told him that his mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor and needed to undergo an operation immediately. Before Mr. Li left to visit his mother, I clarified the truth about Falun Gong to him. I told him to recite "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good" and told him that he must recite sincerely, and Master will definitely save his mother.

Half a month later when Mr. Li came back, he held my hand and cried. Mr. Li said that on his way to visit his mother he was reciting what I told him. When he went to his mother's bedside in the hospital and knelt before his mother, he was still reciting "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good" in his heart. He knelt for three days and three nights. His sister also knelt with him for three days without food and water.

On the third day, his mother woke up and her first words were, "I had a dream. I dreamed that a few people knelt for long periods of time to pray for me. At that moment, there was a golden light. Then I was told that I am okay and that I am saved." Mr. Li thus got up and told his mother to recite, "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good."

Mr. Li's mother did not suffer any pain and was discharged from the hospital after seven days. Mr. Li said that many other patients had been hospitalized for a long period of time. They spent fifty to sixty thousand Yuan as medical expenses and were yet to be cured. So everyone was happy for his mother.

Mr. Li talked of another miracle. His mother recovered and he was very happy, and so he went for drinks with his classmate to celebrate. His motorcycle had an accident with a tricycle that was carrying rice sacks. His motorcycle was banged up and it flew to one side of the road. He was thrown to the other side of the road. What was strange was that he did not fall onto the floor, but ended up standing on the road as though nothing had happened.

I told Mr. Li that it was my Master who had protected him. I realized that we should clarify the truth to more people quickly so that we will not leave behind any people with predestined relationships.