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The Spectacular is Powerful

Feb. 9, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Toronto

(Clearwisdom.net) A Falun Dafa practitioner in her 60s purchased ten tickets to invite her son's family and some of her daughter-in-law's colleagues to watch the New Tang Dynasty TV New Year Spectacular in Toronto. Upon returning home, her daughter-in-law immediately wanted to learn Falun Gong, and asked her husband and son to also learn Falun Gong.

Her daughter-in-law had actually learned Falun Gong back in China, but she had stopped after coming overseas. She used to be very unhappy to see her mother-in-law practicing, and she complained to her husband about how her mother-in-law always tried to clarify the truth to her. So her husband told her, "Mother, please don't say that to her; she does not like to hear about them."

Upon returning home from watching the Spectacular, the daughter-in-law took the initiative to ask her mother-in-law, "What did you think of the program?" Her mother-in-law replied, "I though it was very good." This daughter-in-law said, "I felt like a voice was telling me, 'You should to go back to your home'." Hence, the first thing she wanted to do was practice Falun Gong. She said that she could understand the inner meaning of every gesture in the dance, A Dunhuang Dream, but she couldn't put the meanings into words. She wanted to read Zhuan Falun and asked her son do the sitting meditation. Her son could sit in the full lotus position immediately. She also ask her husband join in exercising. Her husband smiled and said, "It is uncanny how you asked me to do the Falun Dafa exercises after watching the show."

The daughter-in-law used to be reluctant to speak with her mother-in-law, but her attitude has now changed dramatically. Her mother-in-law wanted to go to New York to help tickets sales for a long period of time, so she arranged the care of her child, and she was very supportive of her mother-in-law's trip to New York.

The practitioner said that she used to have a rocky relationship with her daughter-in-law. She moved to a senior citizen residence, but she still took care of her grandson. She has been going to her son's house every morning to watch her grandson, help with house chores, and then return to her room in the senior citizen house late at night. She had no grievance, and did the three things diligently. She actively joined group Fa-study. She enlightened to the fact that her actions could change the family environment. Watching the Spectacular event made her learn how powerful the New Year Spectacular can be when saving sentient beings.