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The Persecution of the Dai Family in Chishui City, Guizhou Province

Aug. 5, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) In 1996, when Falun Dafa spread to Chishui City, there were nine people from the Dai family in Chishui City who practiced Falun Dafa. They were: the eldest brother Mr. Dai Qiming and his wife; the eldest sister Ms. Dai Qiying and her two daughters, Ms. Li Zhengyun and Ms. Li Zhengying; Mr. Dai Qiyuan, his wife Ms. Huang Jialan and their two children.

The Dai family started making a living producing bamboo products. Each of them had very exquisite skills. Their products were well known far and wide. Gradually their business developed into a family enterprise that began to take shape. With the enforcement of the tyrannical Communist Party's policy of organizing cooperatives, their family enterprise was turned into a collective enterprise, the Chishui Bamboo Products Factory, which was a well-known collective enterprise in Chishui City. The common people supported themselves by using their own skills and diligence. The Chishui Bamboo Products Factory was turned from a family factory into having two big factory buildings, over one hundred employees, and substantial capital. The products changed from the original summer sleeping mats of woven split bamboo, food steamers made of bamboo, and bamboo stools to producing bamboo products, furniture etc. Their products were sold all over the country.

Since the Chishui Bamboo Products Factory started from a neighborhood factory as a family business that was situated at the old town area, it did not attract attention. However, it was the happy land for the common people to make a living. Recently, because of the Communist Party's seizing possession of the land, this ordinary old town became the gold section with a value more than the city. The government forced them to move out, paying them only a very small amount of compensation. As a result, the bamboo factory collapsed and the over one hundred employees had no means to support themselves. When they were young, the Communist Party exploited them and when they were getting old, they did not have social welfare they were promised. They even lost the benefit of being supported by their children. Since they lost the factory, their children also lost their jobs.

The miserable life of the Dai family was only a microcosm of the larger group of the Chinese people. The Communist Party has not ceased launching all kinds of destructive movements in its 50-plus year reign. We do not know how many sad stories of this kind have occurred.

It is in this helpless and miserable situation that the Dai family gratefully learned Falun Dafa. With the guidance of the principles of Dafa, they became physically healthy, and harmonious in their family life. Also, they guided many predestined people to learn Falun Dafa. They offered their own house for people to do group Fa study and the exercises. They also went to the countryside on Sunday and at night to promote Falun Dafa.

On July 20, 1999, misfortune fell upon this family once again. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began, members of the Dai family have several times been forced to undergo brainwashing, sentenced to labor camp, and tortured.

In October 1999, Ms. Huang Jialan was sentenced to three years of forced labor at the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp for participating in the group exercises in Tucheng Town. In May 2003, she was again sentenced to three years of forced labor at Zhongba Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou City.

In January 2000, Mr. Dai Qiyuan was sentenced to three years of forced labor at the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp for joining in the group exercises. In May 2006, he was abducted by the Chishui City Public Security Bureau, taken to the Zunyi Brainwashing Class and was forced to undergo brainwashing for one hundred days. After he was released in August 2006, the Chishui City Public Security Bureau, the Shizhong Police Substation of Chishui City and the Police of the Neighborhood kept harassing him at his home. In October, over ten policemen, led by Wang Bin, broke into his home trying to interrogate Mr. Dai Qiyuan. As a result, Mr. Dai Qiyuan was forced to become homeless and his whereabouts are unknown to this day.

In January 2000, Ms. Li Zhengyun was sentenced to one year of forced labor at the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou by the Chishui City Public Security Bureau. In November 2001, she was again detained by the Chishui City Public Security Bureau. In February 2002, she was sentenced to three years of forced labor at the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp and became handicapped as a result of torture.

At the end of 2005, Ms. Li Zhengying was sentenced to three years of forced labor at the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou by the Chishui City Public Security Bureau.

Since July 1999, the Chishui City Public Security Bureau has never stopped harassing Dai Qiming's family. They sent Mr. Dai Qiming to the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou and tortured him there many times. Since he was old and physically ill, the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp refused to take him.

Why have the Dai family members in Chishui been persecuted? What did they do wrong? They only want to be good people with the guidance of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. We hope the Chishui City Public Security Bureau and all those who are involved in the persecution recognize the overall situation, stop the persecution and withdraw from the vicious CCP.