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Additional Persecution News from China - July 18, 2007 (27 Reports)

Aug. 5, 2007


  1. [Zhoukou City, Henan Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Yang Xiuling Sent to the Xinxiang City Women's Prison
  2. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Personnel from the City's Police Department and from the 610 Office Harass Falun Gong Practitioners
  3. [Shizuishan City, Ningxia Autonomous Region] Falun Gong Practitioner Mu Zhihong Sentenced to Imprisonment - 2006 Information
  4. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Hu Yanmei and Li Yuechun Arrested When Explaining the Facts about Falun Gong
  5. [Beijing] Police Ransack Practitioner Xie's Home in the Fangshan District
  6. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Two Practitioners Arrested
  7. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Zhao Shuxia and Her Husband Arrested
  8. [Laiyuan County, Hebei Province] Police Arrest Practitioners Mr. Wang Fushun and His Wife Ms. Hou Manyun and Put Them into the County's Police Department at 9:00 p.m. on July 16, 2007
  9. [Jiyuan County, Henan Province] Personnel from the City's "610 Office" Arrest Practitioners Ms. Li Xiaozhi, Ms. Liu Xiaoman and Miao Jiayou
  10. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Practitioners Xie Wutang and Tan Xiangyu Arrested
  11. [Chongqing] Practitioner Mr. Zhang Qiyong from the Qijiang District Missing for More Than 10 Days
  12. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Lu Shuwen Arrested
  13. [Deyang City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Qin Xiayi Arrested
  14. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Wang Xuemin Being Held at a Brainwashing Center
  15. [Shantou City, Guangdong Province] Married Couple Mr. Ma Xingyong and Ms. Huang Luanzhen Arrested
  16. [Beihai City, Guangxi Autonomous Region] Practitioner Wu Hanzhong Arrested and Sentenced to Forced Labor
  17. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Zhang Hong and Wang Suzhen
  18. [Dongying City, Shandong Province] Retired Practitioner Ms. Zhang Baoling, a Previous Employee from the Shengli Oil Extraction Factory, Put into a Brainwashing Center
  19. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Wang Baohong
  20. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Five Practitioners Persecuted
  21. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] A Practitioner Arrested at the Yuhong Airport a Couple of Days Ago When Distributing Literature
  22. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Liang Yutai Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor
  23. [Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Song Ping Illegally Sentenced
  24. [Changtu County, Liaoning Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioner Sun Guowen
  25. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Practitioner Li Qing and Zhang Jinxiu Sentenced
  26. [Yangquan City, Shanxi Province] Practitioner Sang Jidong Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
  27. [Guo'an City, Guangxi Autonomous Region] Married Couple Xu Xiuchen and Guan Haibin Arrested

1. [Zhoukou City, Henan Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Yang Xiuling Sent to the Xinxiang City Women's Prison

Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Xiuling from the Development District in Zhoukou City was arrested on May 4, 2007. She was sentenced to seven years in prison at the Chuanhui District Court and then sent into the Xinxiang City Women's Prison.

During Ms. Yang's detention, prison policewoman Wang Jing confiscated all of the items that Ms. Yang's family sent. This policewoman ordered Ms. Yang to do heavy work that usually required two people to accomplish. Since Ms. Yang defied these orders, Wang shackled Ms. Yang for two days.

2. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Personnel from the City's Police Department and from the "610 Office" Harass Falun Gong Practitioners

Dehui City Police Department authorities recently ordered every local police station to force practitioners to be fingerprinted. The police threatened to arrest any practitioners who refused to do that. They are also monitoring and ransacking some practitioners' homes.

3. [Shizuishan City, Ningxia Autonomous Region] Falun Gong Practitioner Mu Zhihong Sentenced to Imprisonment - 2006 Information

Personnel from the Yinchuan City "610 Office" and from the Police Department's No.1 Section followed and monitored five practitioners, including 65-year-old Ms. Mu Zhihong from Shizuishan City. They eventually arrested the five practitioners on December 7, 2006. Ms. Mu was sentenced to three years in prison and attempting to appeal.

4. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Hu Yanmei and Li Yuechun Arrested When Explaining the Facts about Falun Gong

Personnel from the Hongqilou Police Station arrested practitioners Ms. Hu Yanmei and Ms. Li Yuechun from the Qiaodong District, Zhangjiakou City on the morning of July 14, 2007. Police ransacked the two practitioners' homes at 4:00 p.m. that day. Ms. Li was held for 15 days. Ms. Hu was fined 1,000 yuan and released because of her husband's health problems.

5. [Beijing] Police Ransack Practitioner Xie's Home in the Fangshan District

Police from the Fangshan District recently ransacked a practitioner's home in Guce Village. Police arrested practitioner Xie and ransacked his home in the Yanshan District today.

6. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Two Practitioners Arrested

Two practitioners surnamed Ma and Chen, employees from the Luohu District Wenjin Middle School in Shenzhen City, were arrested in April 2007. Practitioner Ma is presently being held at the district's Administration Center.

7. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Zhao Shuxia and Her Husband Arrested

Police arrested practitioner Ms. Zhao Shuxia and her husband from Xushui County, Baoding City the afternoon of July 16, 2007. Police also ransacked the couple's home and confiscated a satellite receiver.

8. [Laiyuan County, Hebei Province] Police Arrest Practitioners Mr. Wang Fushun and His Wife Ms. Hou Manyun and Put Them into the County's Police Department at 9:00 p.m. on July 16, 2007

9. [Jiyuan County, Henan Province] Personnel from the City's "610 Office" Arrest Practitioners Ms. Li Xiaozhi, Ms. Liu Xiaoman and Miao Jiayou

10. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Practitioners Xie Wutang and Tan Xiangyu Arrested

The practitioner couple Ms. Xie Wutang and Ms. Tan Xiangyu from Changsha City was arrested in the afternoon of July 14, 2007. Mr. Xie is presently being held at the Changqiao City Detention Center, and Ms. Tang at the Women's Prison.

11. [Chongqing] Practitioner Mr. Zhang Qiyong from the Qijiang District Missing for More Than 10 Days

12. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Lu Shuwen Arrested

Personnel from the Lubei District Xingyuandao Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Lu Shuwen in the morning of July 11, 2007. The arrest happened when Ms. Lu was explaining the facts about Falun Gong in the district's Xingfu Garden Community. Police then ransacked Ms. Lu's home at 4:00 p.m. that day and confiscated a lot of Ms. Lu's personal belongings. Ms. Lu has been sent to the city's No.1 Detention Center.

Xingyuandao Police Station: 86-315-2236108

13. [Deyang City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Qin Xiayi Arrested

Personnel from the Deyang City Railway Station Police Station arrested 50-year-old practitioner Mr. Qing Xiayi and ransacked his home on July 8, 2007. Two days later, Jinyang District National Security Division chief Hong Qi and officers from the Huangxu Town Police Department arrested practitioner Mr. Chen Dong, who had contact with Mr. Qin. They ransacked Mr. Chen's home and confiscated a color TV, a VCD player and Falun Gong books. They also arrested an older woman practitioner who happened to be in Mr. Chen's home. The two practitioners' families went to the Huangxu Town Police Department to request the two practitioners' release. The older practitioner was released.

14. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Wang Xuemin Being Held at a Brainwashing Center

Practitioner Ms. Wang Xuemin from Jilin City was sent into a brainwashing center at 6:00 p.m. on July 16, 2007

15. [Shantou City, Guangdong Province] Married Couple Mr. Ma Xingyong and Ms. Huang Luanzhen Arrested

Practitioner Mr. Ma Xingyong, a senior Chinese Medical doctor and his wife Ms. Huang Luanzhen from the Chaonan District in Shantou City were put into the city's brainwashing center. Ms. Huang explained the facts about Falun Gong in the Chaonan District at the end of April 2007, but personnel from the district's "610 Office" put her in the district's detention center for persecution. The authorities attempted to send Ms. Huang to the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp but failed because the physical exam prior to admission found Ms. Huang to be suffering from hypertension.

Shantou City "610 Office:" 86-754-8457149, Fax: 86-754-8443127
Xu Yang, "610 Office:" 86-754-8868038 (H), 86-13902729206 (C)
Huang Pengxiang, Shantou City Law Education School President: 86-754-8835268 (H), 86-13902777168 (C)
Qiu, Chaonan District Police Department's "610 Office" instructor: 86-13902711661 (C)
Yao Zhuangpeng, Chaoyang District "610 Office" head: 8613058483983 (C)

16. [Beihai City, Guangxi Autonomous Region] Practitioner Wu Hanzhong Arrested and Sentenced to Forced Labor

Personnel from the Beihai City National Security Division in Guangxi Autonomous Region embarked on the Minghua Queen Luxury Ship and arrested the captain, practitioner Mr. Wu Hanzhong, on the night of June 17, 2007. They confiscated all of Mr. Wu's Falun Gong books and his professional certificates. Mr. Wu was then sentenced to three years of forced labor.

17. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Zhang Hong and Wang Suzhen

Practitioners Ms. Zhang Hong and Ms. Wang Suzhen from Liaoyang County, Liaoyang City were arrested on July 11, 2007. Ms. Zhang, 36 years old, is from Liusanjia Village, Liaoyang County. Her family consists of four members. Her oldest child is 15 years old and the younger is only 3 years old. Ms. Wang, 41 years old, is from Anzhuang Village, Liaoyang County.

18. [Dongying City, Shandong Province] Retired Practitioner Ms. Zhang Baoling, a Previous Employee from the Shengli Oil Extraction Factory, Put into a Brainwashing Center

Ms. Zhang Baoling, about 60 years old, was arrested at home on July 14, 2007 and is presently being held at the factory's brainwashing center.

Recently, three other factory employees, practitioners Ms. Tan Shuyu, Ms. Sun Yanmei and Ms. Zhang Baolingwere arrested.

19. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Wang Baohong

Practitioner Ms. Wang Baohong was arrested in Hengshui City on July 13, 2007. She is being held at the city's detention center.

20. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Five Practitioners Persecuted

Police from the Muping District of Yantai City broke into practitioner Ms. Sun Guangyu's home at 8:00 p.m. on April 15, 2007. They arrested all five practitioners who were doing the Falun Gong exercises there. Police then ransacked all the practitioners' homes. They confiscated a TV, a cassette player and a VCD player from Ms. Sun's home. They arrested practitioner Ms. Lin Zhilan in the morning of April 16, 2007. Practitioners Ms. Sun Guangyu, Ms. Wang Shulan, Ms. Sun Yuehua, and Ms. He Chuanmei were arrested, fined 2,300 yuan and sentenced to one year of forced labor. Ms. Lin Zhilan were held for 15 days and fined 2,300 yuan. Ms. Sun Yueli chose to live in exile to avoid further persecution.

Liu Wenbo, who reported the arrested practitioners to police: 86-535-4665971

21. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] A Practitioner Arrested at the Yuhong Airport a Couple of Days Ago When Distributing Literature

22. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Liang Yutai Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor

Policeman Chang Xiande and others arrested practitioner Ms. Liang Yutai from Lishu Village, the No. 10 Group in Dafangshen Town, Dehui City at 8:00 p.m. on June 27, 2007. Ms. Liang was held at the city's detention center for 15 days and then sentenced to one year of forced labor, to be served in the Jiutai City Yingmahe Forced Labor Camp.

Personnel from the city's National Security Division and from the Yangshu Township Police Department arrested 35-year-old practitioner Mr. Zhang Chunqi from the Xiajia Village No. 8 Group in Yangshu Township, Dehui City at 5:00 a.m. on November 29, 2006. Police put him first into the city's National Security Bureau and then into the city's detention center. Mr. Zhang has been held there for eight months. During his detention, local police officers denied all family visits. It was reported that the city court has sentenced Mr. Zhang to three years in prison. Mr. Zhang's parents, wife and three children are leading a difficult life as a result.

Dehui City Dafangshen Town Police Department: 86-431-87560010
Liu Jiping, chief: 86-159044144859 (C)
Li Yuke, "610 Office" head: 86-431-87216610 (O), 86-431-87234600 (H), 86-13364633706 (C)
Zhao Yujie, Politics and Security Section chief: 86-431-87222053 (O), 86-431-87224923 (H), 86-15904409843 (C)
Zhang Qingchun, National Security Division chief: 86-431-87222053 (O), 86-431-87264567 (H), 86-15904409842 (C)

23. [Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Song Ping Illegally Sentenced

Practitioner Ms. Song Ping from Guangmingshan Town, Zhuanghe City was sentenced to seven years in prison at the Zhuanghe City Court's No.1 Criminal Section.

Shi Dexun, Zhuanghe City Detention Center chief: 86-13504961958, 86-411-89713621
Lin Zhiquan, detention center doctor: 86-13204083296
Tao Xiaoli, warden: 86-411-89702995, 86-13109827000
Wang Zengheng, Zhuanghe City Court chief: 86-411-89725177

24. [Changtu County, Liaoning Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioner Sun Guowen

Personnel from the Shuangsheng Township Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Sun Guowen and another practitioner from Yushu Village, Qijiazi Town, Changtu County at 10:00 p.m. on June 21, 2007. The arrest happened as the two practitioners were distributing literature about Falun Gong. Mr. Sun's motorcycle was confiscated. He is presently being held at the Kezuohouqi Detention Center in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Police Station chief's office: 86-475-5652388
Police Station duty office: 86-475-5652220

25. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Practitioner Li Qing and Zhang Jinxiu Sentenced

Officer Wang Hong and others from the Wenqiao Police Station arrested practitioners Ms. Li Qing and Ms. Zhang Jinxiu from Nanchang City in January 2007. The arrest happened when the two practitioners were literature in Xinjian County. Police ransacked the two practitioners' homes.

Nanchang City Qingshanhu Court agents commenced a trial for Ms. Li and Ms. Zhang at 9:30 a.m. on July 8, 2007 without notifying the practitioners' families. Ms. Li was sentenced to four years in prison at the Yuzhang Prison. Ms. Zhang was sentenced to three years in the provincial women's prison.

26. [Yangquan City, Shanxi Province] Practitioner Sang Jidong Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

Practitioner Mr. Sang Jidong from Yangquan City was sentenced to seven years in prison. He has been put into the city's Yinying Mine Forced Labor Camp. He is emaciated after enduring severe persecution.

27. [Guo'an City, Guangxi Autonomous Region] Married Couple Xu Xiuchen and Guan Haibin Arrested

Several plainclothes police officers arrested the practitioner couple Ms. Xu Xiuchen and Mr. Guan Haibin at 6:30 p.m. on June 27, 2007 when the couple was having dinner in Guinan Street of Rong County. Policemen used clothes cover the couple's heads and robbed the couple of their cash, keys and a motorcycle.

Police then use the stolen keys to open the house where Ms. Xu and her brother lived, and confiscated a computer and a bank deposit book. Ms. Xu was released on the night of July 3, 2007, but Mr. Guan's whereabouts are so far still unknown. Mr. Guan is from Liuzhou City and is a Nanning City National Tax Bureau official.