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Every Phone Call Saves Lives

Aug. 7, 2007 |   By Minghui/Clearwisdom reporter Huang Yusheng in Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) The persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started in 1999 and has been ongoing for eight years. During this time, practitioners outside China have never ceased using all feasible and peaceful means to clarify the facts to people in order to stop these hideous atrocities.

In Taiwan, a group of Falun Gong practitioners have made phone calls to clarify the facts to those people in China who are directly involved in the persecution of Falun Gong. They are persistent, kind and sincere and therefore their words have shaken the evildoers and caused some to change. Some practitioners also called the general public and helped them quit the CCP. There are many touching stories behind these phone calls. The story below of Ms. Lu and Mr. Liao illustrates the persistence, strong will and determination of Falun Gong practitioners in their efforts to save people.

1. Ms. Lu, 66 years old: "I call them every day."

(a) Life Completely Renewed after Obtaining the Fa
Ms. Lu Shu is 66 years old. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1997. When she recovered from a serious illness due to the practice, she was very grateful. She thought, "It is such a great practice. I must let more people know about it." She then mailed informational materials about Falun Gong to each home, a total of 60,000 individual packets. After the persecution started, Ms. Lu realized that she needed to clarify the facts to the precious Chinese people, so she mailed letters, sent text messages and made phone calls to China. She said, "I will do this until the persecution ends, because Teacher Li and Falun Gong gave me a new life."

(b) Cherishing Every Available Phone Number
When she read in the news that practitioners had been tortured to death or illegally detained, Ms. Lu knew that she had to save her fellow practitioners. She believed that making phone calls was the easiest thing for her to do, compared with getting on the Internet, because of her age. She overcame her fear and made phone calls to those people who were involved in persecution of Falun Gong. She has done that for five years now.

It took her about three months to learn how to browse the Internet for information. With the assistance of her son and daughter-in-law, Ms. Lu finally learned how to use the Minghui/Clearwisdom website. When she clarified the facts to the perpetrators of the persecution, as she followed Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and treated every person she talked to with compassion. When she found out that practitioners in China risked their lives sending out these phone numbers, she made sure that she called every single number because she did not want to miss anyone who could be saved.

(c) Being Persistent Until the End of the Persecution
When Ms. Lu Shu called people, some of them mocked her accent, but she did not mind. As long as they were willing to listen, she told them the facts. Her attitude of forbearance touched many who were initially rude to her. Nowadays, the situation has changed due to the efforts of practitioners inside and outside of China. Ms. Lu stated that half of the people she talked to understood the truth and wanted to quit the CCP.

Even though Ms. Lu Shu is 66 years old, she goes to the practice site every day to do the exercises at 4:20 a.m., and returns home at 7:30 a.m. to make breakfast for her family. After the housework is done, she starts making phone calls until noon. In the afternoon, she returns phone calls from China to help the Chinese people quit the CCP. After that, she studies and memorizes Zhuan Falun. Studying the Fa helps her to keep a calm mind and balance her daily life and truth-clarification work. She has been doing that for five years now. Her family members who are non-practitioners became supportive as well. When her family asked her when she would stop making phone calls, she told them "Not until the persecution ends."

2. Mr. and Mrs. Liao Jitian: "I just don't believe their consciences are irretrievably lost." ("For the Good of the World")

Mr. and Mrs. Liao Jitian are practitioners from Jiayi County, Taiwan. They also make phone calls every day. Mr. Liao even overcame his speech problems in order to do this. He has let nothing keep him from doing this, because he stated that he owed his life to Teacher.

Mr. Liao is a pharmacist and owns a pharmacy. His wife had suffered from migraines for many years. During this time he searched for medications that would help her, but was not successful. Mrs. Liao went to see her parents once and found her mother, sister and brother, who did not like to read, all reading Zhuan Falun. They also practiced Falun Gong. She decided to purchase a copy of the book for herself.

A few days later, Mrs. Liao's migraines disappeared. Her digestive problems were cured as well. Having witnessed the changes in his wife, and being attracted by the Fa principles, Mr. Liao also started practicing. It has now been four years, and because they have benefited so much, the couple decided to provide a venue for a 9-day study group for beginners. They also go to the nearby park on holidays to spread the practice, and established a practice site. Two years ago, Mr. Liao also joined the team that is calling people in China to clarify the facts.

Mr. Liao had a car accident and as a result suffered a stroke. The left part of his body is paralyzed and therefore he cannot move freely. However, he could still move one hand, so he started to send text messages to China. Several months later, Mr. Liao overcame his fear and picked up the phone.

At first, Mr. and Mrs. Liao were a bit discouraged because people hung up on them. They thought that they were not eloquent enough. But when they decided to persist in calling, and after persuading one person to quit the CCP, they became more confident and determined.

When Mr. Liao heard about the CCP harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners, he was shocked. He had only one thought in his mind, "I have to save people." He knew that practitioners were being killed every minute, and knew that making phone calls was the fastest way to stop the evil. Therefore, he has been calling ever since.

I just don't believe their consciences are irretrievably lost: A persecutor quits the CCP

It was not easy for Mr. Liao, whose body is partially paralyzed. At first, he was not able to distinguish whether people hung up or simply did not pick up the phone. He needed his wife's or daughter's assistance. If his script was blown to the floor by the electric fan, he had to apply much effort to pick it up. But he was not deterred.

Mr. Liao said that he had faith in Teacher and therefore is now able to walk to the practice site. He can also finish the four sets of exercises without his wheelchair or any assistance. He has come a long way from the days when he could not do the exercises at all. In addition, a relative visited him recently and told him that his speech problem had improved a lot. This was a reminder of the magic of Falun Dafa. For a long time, when he spoke, he could not control his saliva and could not enunciate words clearly.

Mr. Liao said that he could feel that the CCP's days were numbered. When he first made phone calls, people often cursed at him. Sometimes he was in so much fear that he could not utter a word. Now, when he calmly talks to people, he notices that people are no longer as rude as before. Instead, they appear to be frightened because their evil acts have been exposed. He believes that evil will never overcome righteousness.

Mr. Liao once read an article about how some people were hitting Falun Gong practitioners in the face with their shoes. He then thought about Teacher's Fa,

"Righteous thoughts can save the people in this world" ("The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos" from Hong Yin II) ,

"I just don't believe their consciences are irretrievably lost" ("For the Good of the World")

After that he picked up the phone. He had been trying for several days to contact a particular person and was able to contact this person. He kindly said to him, "Mr. Official, I have been trying to contact you for several days." When that man heard that he was on a list that exposes evildoers and the evidence was published on the Internet, he was shook up and said, "You even recorded the fact that I hit practitioners in the face?" Mr. Liao was then able to make him realize that he committed evil deeds, and persuaded him to quit the CCP.

3. Conclusion

The stories of Ms. Lu Shu and Mr. and Mrs. Liao are just a few examples of the tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners calling China. Having practiced Falun Gong and experienced the beauty of Falun Gong, these practitioners think that the persecution is unconscionable. Therefore, they use every available means to help those people who have been deceived by the lies. They work tirelessly to clarify the truth and are very patient with those who swear at them. They have been selfless and have put so much effort into this project without any regrets.

It is time for those whose souls are shrouded in darkness and who have been mislead by the evil Communist Party to wake up. It is a universal principle that good will be rewarded with good and evil will receive retribution. Please cherish your life and make a choice that will leave you and your family with a good future. Please do not be scapegoats of the evil CCP, who are at the end of their rein of power. When history delivers its judgment, the world will witness the truth that "evil will never overcome righteousness."