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Experiences and Understandings from Spreading the Facts Face-to-Face

Nov. 20, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) Every week on "Minghui Weekly" there are articles on the experiences and understandings gained from spreading the facts about Falun Gong. These articles are very helpful to me, and I would like to share my own experience on this matter.

When I go out, my mind is on saving sentient beings. I always send forth righteous thoughts to remove any kind of obstacles or evil spirits that are interfering with my efforts. Because the only thought I have is saving the sentient beings, my activities to spread the facts about Falun Gong have gone smoothly and the results have been satisfactory.

In the morning I do my grocery shopping. I use this opportunity to spread the facts about Falun Gong to store employees and their customers, who may be teachers, students, cab drivers, etc. I use all possible opportunities, regardless of where I might be. After I finish my housework in the evening, I go to parks, supermarkets, and other public places to spread the facts and advise people to do the "three withdrawals" (withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party and its two youth organizations). The results are quite good.

When I ride my bike to run an errand, I speak to people that I feel a karmic relation with and say, "How are you? You really know how to take care of yourself. You look great and so does your skin." They are happy to hear this. Then I ask, "Are you a member of the Communist Party? Have you heard about the three withdrawals?" If they haven't, I explain,"It means to withdraw from the Party, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers. Why should we do this? Because their members have sworn to give their lives to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This Party has done tons of bad things and God will punish it. You should withdraw from the CCP so that you can live to see the future." Often they will say, "OK. Can you help me?"

I have gotten many people to quit the Party this way. I don't want to miss any opportunities. After they quit, I give them fact sheets about Falun Gong and tell them to pass the sheets on to other people as well. When there is time to know them better, I help them to set up an antenna to receive New Tang Dynasty satellite TV. Of course, there are some who don't want to look at the fact sheets. Maybe they are taken over by fear. Anyway, I let them choose what they like. I don't force anything on them.

There are times I have met police officers in the grocery stores. In fact, all kinds of people are there. To speak to them requires wisdom. To save sentient beings we must let go of ego and fear, have faith in Master's arrangements, and firmly believe that saving sentient beings is a divine activity.

One time when I spoke to a police officer in a grocery store about Dafa he said, "I am with the Public Security Department. I arrested some Falun Gong practitioners." I said, "An officer is also a human being. It is due to a special karmic relationship that we have met. Every life is precious." He finally agreed to withdraw. Later, I met him again and I gave him some CDs and additional facts about Dafa. He was thankful for what I did.

We were in the process of trying to help a fellow practitioner when a police officer came to work. After asking him about the status of the practitioner, I was ready to leave when a thought came into my head, "The role of a practitioner is to save sentient beings." I asked the officer, "Sorry to bother you again, but I have an important message for you. Have you heard about the use of the three withdrawals to save yourself? Why is it that after eight years of persecution, the Falun Gong practitioners still persist in telling people about the three withdrawals? What should we do when catastrophe befalls the CCP and so many people are not yet aware of the three withdrawals to save themselves?" As I was telling him this, tears rolled down my cheeks. I gave him some materials regarding the three withdrawals and he was happy to take them.

There was a time when I wanted to send forth righteous thoughts close to a detention center. On my way to the center, I was sending righteous thoughts and met several people who were ready to do the three withdrawals, so I gave them some fact-sheets to help them. Arriving at the detention center I saw a driver sitting in a car. I felt I should try to save him. I said to him, "How are you? Do you know that people all over the world are doing the three withdrawals?" "Yes, I do." "Are you a member of the CCP? What is your name?" He told me and said, "I am a police officer and there was a time I was dealing with Falun Gong practitioners. I know they are good people." Now I understand what Master said in Hong Yin II in the poem "The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos,"

"Compassion can harmonize Heaven and Earth, ushering in spring

Righteous thoughts can save the people in this world"

In the process of talking to people about the three withdrawals I have understood that this was an easy path. In fact, it has been quite enjoyable as long as I focus on the Fa and the role of saving sentient beings.