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Shijiazhuang Senior Engineer Mr. Song Aichang Appeals His Illegal Sentence

Nov. 20, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Song Aichang, 48, is a senior engineer with the Thirteenth Institute of the China Electronic Technology Group in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. At noon on June 22, 2007, he was arrested near his home. He has so far been detained for one year and four months, which exceeds the maximum time he can legally be held by 10.5 months. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities in Shijiazhuang have tried him for a third time. Because the evidence against him was seriously inadequate, he was supposed to have been released. However, the court sentenced him to three years' imprisonment. Mr. Song has appealed.

In none of the three trials was any evidence presented showing that he had "produced and distributed materials." On October 22, 2008, the defense attorney met with the judge of the Shijiazhuang City Intermediate Court. Initially, the court intended to force the attorney to submit a defense statement and then they could close the case without deliberating. The judge threatened, "Submit a defense statement in one week. Otherwise, you have no case!" The attorney responded, "There is no evidence. How can I write a defense statement? I can write one if you admit there is no evidence." The judge was speechless. Finally they agreed to argue the case further.

Qiaoxi District Court convened two sessions to try Mr. Song based on a charge of "interfering with the implementation of the law." Each time, the case was returned to the Procuratorate due to insufficient evidence. On July 1, 2008, the third session began, and the "evidence"--a printer and a scanner--was produced. However, the printer was broken and there was no driver in the scanner, clearly inadequate evidence. Mr. Song was supposed to be released.

Mr. Song Aichang was weak and sick when he was young. He suffered from tuberculosis, chronic stomach problems, and neurosis. After he started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996, his health was not only restored but also his morality was upgraded. In 1998, when south China was flooded, Mr. Song donated 1600 yuan of the allowance his company gave him after returning from traveling abroad. At noon on June 22, 2007, officers from the Shijiazhuang City Police Department, the Qiaoxi Branch of the Police Department, and the Keyuan Police Station arrested him. His home was also searched. He was interrogated at the Keyuan Police Station. On August 25, 2008, the police submitted "material evidence" to the Qiaoxi District Procuratorate. On the morning of October 26, 2008, Qiaoxi District Court opened his trial. His attorney pleaded, "Not guilty" on his behalf. However, the judge did not dare to announce a "not guilty" decision, and sent the case back to the Procuratorate.

The company where Mr. Song worked stopped his salary before the first session and withdrew the apartment he had paid for in full.

Shijiazhuang Intermediate Court:
Dong Jianyi, associate dean: 86-311-85187186
Lu Ling (female), associate director of the Second Criminal Court: 86-311-85187153
Fei Weihua (female), judge in charge: 86-0311-85187159
The Thirteenth Institute of the China Electronic Technology Group
Tang Kequ, president: 86-311-87091978
Chen Caijia, secretary: 86-311-87091986
Director Zhao of the Shijiazhuang City Second Detention Center: 86-311-87755379
Qiaoxi District Court of Shijiazhuang City
Su Changyin, presiding judge
Shijiazhuang City Second Detention Center:
Wang Shuting, director: 86-311-87755213, 86-13931171888 (Cell), 86-13781581859
Zhang Hongqi, instructor: 86-311-87755202 (Office)
Wang Zhibin, associate director: 86-311-87755202