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South Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Take Part in Community Christmas Parade (Photos)

Nov. 20, 2008 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from south Australia

(Clearwisdom.net) At 10 a.m. November 15 2008, the annual community Christmas Parade began at Christies Beach, the most amazing beach in South Australia. The Divine Land Marching Band from Melbourne gave its first performance on this day.





Falun Gong receives warm welcome at Christies Beach Christmas Parade

Christies Beach is a famous tourist site close to Adelaide City and McLaren Vale Winery. The sunsets, swimming areas and surfing areas attract many visitors. The waves penetrate the horseshoe shaped submerged reef, and dolphins play betweens the waves in the sunshine.

When the Divine Land Marching Band played their traditional music, "Falun Dafa is Great" and "Fa Rectifies Heaven and Earth", thousands of spectators were moved and the cheers followed the band down the street. The people's eyes were full of praise and expectation. Spectators applauded the marching band and waved their hands. One westerner saw the banner "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance" and said to a practitioner excitedly, "Forbearance, I really need this word."

When the parade ended at Christies Beach, the organizers came over to the Falun Dafa procession and expressed their appreciation to the practitioners. They said the performance by the Divine Land Marching Band was very impressive and the music was beautiful. The colorful Tang Dynasty costume show was also outstanding.

Brian, a Falun Dafa practitioner, said that the group has participated in this parade for three years but this was the first time for the Divine Land Marching Band.

In the evening, the Falun Gong practitioners participated in another Christmas parade in Adelaide. They received warm applause again from the thousands of excited spectators.