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Taiwan: Reading Experience Sharing Articles from Practitioners in China Encourages Local Practitioners to Do Better

Dec. 13, 2008 |   By Huang Yusheng from Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) The Fifth Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China ended on December 8, 2008. Every article presented genuine cultivation practice experiences, and practitioners in Taiwan were touched by the articles. Many Taiwan practitioners said that they would try to improve more diligently as true practitioners and to follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in everyday life.

Upon seeing how practitioners in China have assimilated to the Fa and showed the spirit of compassion in saving sentient beings, some Taiwan practitioners who gave up memorizing the Fa have began once again. The following sharing is from Ms. Tsai and Ms. Liang from Taiwan.

Practicing Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

Ms. Tsai said she was impressed by how practitioners in China validate the Fa with their actions. Many practitioners overseas often think of clarifying the facts as working on a project. Practitioners in China often let people see the beauty of Dafa with their words and actions at work and at home, which results in people believing that practitioners are good people.

Ms. Tsai recalled a story from one of the articles, "The practitioner was an accountant. Several times he saw that there were differences between the account and the cash. He said nothing but put in his own money to make up the difference. One time a colleague found out and realized that he had put in his own money, and everyone at work was moved and thanked him and appreciated what he did. He told his colleagues, 'Please don't thank me, thank my Teacher. I am a practitioner and Teacher taught us to be good people.' From then on, when he clarified the facts or exhorted people at work to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations, they were more willing to do so."

Ms. Tsai said that many people see sincerity, compassion, and perseverance in practitioners. They see the beauty of Dafa and they accept Falun Dafa, which creates a good foundation for their futures. Ms. Tsai said she would try to improve herself and help people see the righteous beauty of practitioners at all times.

Ms. Tsai said that she recently went to an airport to clarify the facts and met a Korean man. He was visiting a friend in Taiwan but couldn't get in touch with his friend, and asked to borrow her cell phone. Ms. Tsai called his friend from her cell phone but he couldn't come and asked Ms. Tsai to give his Korean friend a ride. Ms. Tsai agreed. The Korean thanked her many times and she said, "I am a Falun Gong practitioner and my Teacher asked us to be good people. Please thank my Teacher if you want." The Korean man was moved and became interested in Falun Dafa. When Ms. Tsai told him how practitioners in China were persecuted, and that Falun Gong had spread all around the world, he seemed willing to believe.

Starting to Memorize the Fa Again

Ms. Liang mentioned that many practitioners in China spoke about memorizing the Fa in their articles. Taiwan practitioners have not done this to a large extent. She noticed that even in the suppressed environment, many new practitioners were memorizing the Fa and many senior practitioners had been doing so for many years.

Ms. Liang was very moved because she used to memorize the Fa but became frustrated because it took her a long time, and she forgot very quickly. She didn't persevere and gave up after trying it once. She read about many practitioners in China memorizing the Fa and improving their characters and understandings of the Fa. Their abilities to eliminate the evil and save sentient beings were strengthened.

Ms. Liang looked at herself and felt ashamed because she had been busy with trivial chores and hadn't done the three things well during the past few years. She realized she hadn't studied the Fa well, so she started memorizing the Fa all over again. She decided to take it easy and not rush it. She picks up the book and memorizes whenever she has time. She realized, "When I stopped rushing it and wanting to achieve something, I often was enlightened to much truth, and it didn't feel as difficult as before." She said she could memorize several phrases in a very short time. When she stopped caring about time, she truly gained time.

Ms. Liang also mentioned the urgency that China practitioners felt in saving sentient beings, which touched her. In such a dangerous environment, sometimes dealing with life and death situations, the practitioners in China never stop telling people about the truth of the persecution, which she found amazing. They let go of humanness and their divine sides emerged. This kind of righteous thought comes from steadfast Fa study. Practitioners have frequently mentioned the content of the Internet Fa Conference articles during their Fa study sessions, and have reminded everyone to look inward and eliminate attachments. Taiwan practitioners would like to thank practitioners in China for their valuable experience sharing and thank Clearwisdom.net for providing such an opportunity.