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An Encouragement to Practitioners in Hong Kong and Other Places Outside China

Dec. 13, 2008 |   By a practitioner from Heilongjiang Province

(Clearwisdom.net) First I'd like to thank overseas and Hong Kong practitioners for their unwavering diligence and devotion, working together with us Mainland China practitioners in clarifying the truth and saving the world's people. Frankly speaking, your diligence is truly making a big difference.

I'm a high school student from Heilongjiang Province, and I have continued to clarify the truth to fellow school students and good friends. There's a student who listened to my explanation of the truth and wanted to cultivate himself, but owing to the Communist Party's non-stop control over communication and the media, this student again started to shun Dafa. A few days ago her grandma went to Hong Kong to travel, and obtained some truth-clarifying materials handed to her by Hong Kong Dafa practitioners. She witnessed with her own eyes how widespread Dafa is and the spectacular acts of clarifying the truth in Hong Kong and came to understand the truth. She was shaken to the core and considered anew some matters related to Falun Gong. She became suspicious of the validity of the Communist Party's media reports on Falun Gong. When she returned to her hometown in Mainland China, my friend's grandma told many of her relatives and friends about what she had seen and heard in Hong Kong, including my friend. This caused many of her friends and relatives to also consider anew the situation of Falun Gong, and allowed my fellow student to awaken, and once again consider entering the path of cultivation.

There was another student that I clarified the truth to. She said her friend had been phoned by someone overseas that clarified the truth to her, and had told her friend about the hidden stone tablet in Guizhou (that portends the disintegration of the CCP). She thought it was very mystical and discussed it with her friends but still didn't fully understand the situation. With this as a basis, I clarified the facts to her and also helped her do the "three withdrawals" (withdrawing from the Communist Party and its two youth organizations). I believe that without your assistance, it would have been much harder to clarify the truth in this situation.

I write this article in the wish that overseas Dafa disciples strengthen their hearts and keep diligent. We are one body, and your truth-clarifying efforts are closely connected to our work in Mainland China.

I hope that on the path of Fa Rectification we can together be ever more diligent, be ever more spirited at this final time, and allow even more predestined people to obtain the truth and a bright future.