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Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department Persecutes Practitioners in Inner Mongolia

Dec. 13, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) The Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department and the Mo'erdaoga Town Police Station in Ergun City, Inner Mongolia have been persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners since the persecution began, on July 20, 1999.

Practitioner Ms. Wang Shuwen, 62, has been harassed many times by police officers. On May 30, 2002, eight or nine officers from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department arrested Ms. Wang, searched her home, and confiscated many Falun Gong books. Ms. Wang was detained for two months. While she was in detention, officers went to her home, and harassed and threatened her family. In May 2008, approximately six officers from the Mo'erdaoga Town Government and Police Station searched Ms. Wang's home. In August 2008, officer Dong Jizhong from the Mo'erdaoga Police Station harassed Ms. Wang at home. In September 2008, once again Dong Jizhong and two other officers from the Mo'erdaoga Police Station harassed her.

Ms. Yu Shuhua, 63, has been repeatedly harassed by officers from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department. Officers have repeatedly harassed her at home, confiscated her Falun Gong books, and coerced her to give up her belief. When Ms. Yu refused, they stopped her low-income allowance. As a result, she now lives in poverty.

Ms. Jin Guichun, 58, is a retiree from a veterinary clinic. On May 30, 2002, officer Chen Yongjiu and other officers from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department searched Ms. Jin's home, and seized a tape recorder, Falun Gong books and tapes, etc. On June 4, 2002, officers from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department arrested Ms. Jin at home. Lu Zhanhai, director of the police department, issued a subpoena. In August 2008, agents from the local 610 Office started extorting money from Ms. Jin's monthly pension, taking a total of 5,000 yuan. In 2004, officer Shu Mingfang, from the Domestic Security Section of the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department, arrested Ms. Jin at home, and detained her in the Yakeshi City Brainwashing Center for more than twenty days. On August 12, 2005, Shu Mingfang and other officers from the Domestic Security Section searched Ms. Jin's home again, and confiscated Falun Gong books and Master's picture. In August 2008, officers Li Xingyuan and Chen Rongqing from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department, and officer Shi Shaolei from the Mo'erdaoga Town Police Station harassed Ms. Jin, since it was around the time of the Olympics.

Ms. Xiao Jingying, 58, is a retired hospital worker. On November 20, 2000, officers from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department searched Ms. Xiao's home, arrested and detained her for several days. They extorted 5,000 yuan from her. Officers from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department searched Ms. Xiao's home at around 10:00 p.m. on May 30, 2002, and seized Falun Gong books and tapes. Again they arrested her, detained her for 50 days at the detention center, and extorted 5,000 yuan. In February 2004, officer Shu Mingfang from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department arrested Ms. Xiao at home, detained her for more than twenty days in the Yekeshi City Daxinganling Law and Order Education Base (brainwashing center). Officers Shu Mingfang, Wang Yaming, Wu Guolin from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department searched Ms. Xiao's home at around 10:00 a.m. on January 11, 2008. They extorted 1,000 yuan, and threatened to arrest her if she refused to pay.

Ms. Zhang Yunxiang, 63, was harassed at home by officers from the Mo'erdaoga Town Police Station.

Ms. Zhang Libin, 50, is a retiree living in the Taizhen area, Mo'erdaoga Town. The CCP secretary in Taizhen and others harassed Ms. Zhang at home many times, and attempted to coerce her to sign a document which denounced Falun Dafa. Officers from the Mo'erdaoga Town Police Station and staff from the Mo'erdaoga Town Resident Committee also harassed Ms. Zhang many times.

Ms. Cao Yuzhi was sixty-seven years old on May 31, 2002, when about six officers from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department searched Ms. Cao's home and seized her property. On July 24, 2003, officers from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department arrested her after surrounding her house for three days. Officers Shu Mingfang, Wang Yaming, Wu Guolin searched Ms. Cao's home at around 10:00 a.m. on January 11, 2008. They seized Falun Gong books and Master's picture. She was forced to flee home to avoid arrest. The officers extorted 1,000 yuan from Ms. Cao's family. In March 2008, Ms. Cao was arrested by Wang Yaming on her way home, but she managed to escape.

Ms. Zhang Wenguang, 63, is a retiree from the transportation team of the Tongda Company. On November 2, 2000, officers from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department searched Ms. Zhang's home, arrested her, detained her for 25 days, and extorted 5,000 yuan from her. On May 30, 2002, ten officers from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department searched her home and detained her for 50 days. In August 2008, at the time of the Olympics, officers Shu Mingfang, Cao Lisheng from the Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department harassed Ms. Zhang at home.

Li Dongliang, secretary of Mo'erdaoga Forest Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-470-6914219
Lu Zhanhai, director of Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department: 86-470-6914598
Wu Guolin, deputy director of Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department: 86-470-6912789, 86-470-6914641
Wang Yaming, director of Domestic Security Section, Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department: 86-470-6915012
Shu Mingfang, officer of Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department: 86-470-6913716
Li Xingyuan, officer of Mo'erdaoga Forest Police Department: 86-13947000509 (cell)