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Mr. Zhang Chuanchao and Other Practitioners Arrested by Licheng District Police in Jinan Province

Dec. 19, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) At around 10:00 a.m. on November 12, 2008, the 610 Office collaborated with the police from the Licheng District in Jinan, Shandong Province, to arrest Mr. Zhang Chuanchao. More than 30 officers from Tangwang Police Station, Dongjia Police Station, and Guodian Police Station broke into his home in Dongzhang Village, Tangwang Town, and arrested 48-year-old Mr. Zhang, his wife, Ms. Zhang Yuying, 47, along with other practitioners t hat were there. They confiscated Mr. Zhang's personal belongings including his cash and a savings account book. The police also went to the homes of the other arrested practitioners and ransacked them.

Mr. Zhang, his wife, and the other practitioners were taken to Tangwang Town Police Station, Dongjia Police Station, and Guodian Town Police Station, respectively, and interrogated.

At Guodian Police Station, a plainclothes officer hit Mr. Zhang twice with his hand, pushed him down on the sofa, and then hit him again. Another plainclothes agent also hit Mr. Zhang.

Afterwards, policeman Yu Dequan, over 30, and another policeman, over 50, interrogated Mr. Zhang. The older policeman cursed at him when he refused to cooperate with them to sign a document.

Mr. Zhang was interrogated again by two different police officers. Officer Jiang Leixian pretended to be nice to Mr. Zhang so he would cooperate with them, but Mr. Zhang saw through his ruse. Jiang then said, "I am worse than they (referring to the two policemen that beat Mr. Zhang earlier). If you make me angry, I will use the stool to hit you!" Jiang Leixian boasted, "I in particular have managed [the persecution of ] Falun Gong since 1999."

At present, Ms. Zhang Yuying and the other practitioners are being held in the Jinan Detention Center.