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Ms. Zhang Xiuqin Dies One Month after Being Arrested

Dec. 24, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Zhang Xiuqin, around 48 years old, lived in the Chengzhong District Court Family Housing in Xining City, Qinghai Province. On the evening of November 13, 2008, someone reported her while she was passing out truth-clarifying materials near Nanshan Street. Officers from Nantan Police Station arrested her and detained her in the Xining City Detention Center the same night.

According to guards in the detention center, at around midnight on December 7, 2008, Ms. Zhang suddenly passed out. The center doctor and nurses tried to resuscitate her in vain, then took her to the Qinghai Province Red Cross Hospital, which is directly affiliated with the city's legislative system. Ms. Zhang remained unconscious.

On the morning of December 8, 2008, guards found Ms. Zhang's husband via officers of the Nantan Police Station and told him to go take care of Ms. Zhang in the hospital. At first, there were three guards monitoring Ms. Zhang, but seeing that she remained unconscious, the center's administration only used one guard later, then none. Officials claimed the center was letting her husband take responsibility. However, the hospital forbade anyone from getting close to Ms. Zhang, including her husband. He could only see her through a TV phone. The doctors said there was brain fluid affecting her heart, but Ms. Zhang had not passed out due to that condition before.

On December 12, 2008, the hospital gave up its rescue effort and let Ms. Zhang's husband take full responsibility for his wife. She died at 4 o'clock on December 13, only one month after she was arrested. It has not been discovered how the officers and guards mistreated her in custody, but based on the fact that she fell into a coma during detention, all responsible parties will not escape justice.

Lu Yonglin, Nantan Police Station Director: 86-13389717488 (Cell), 86-971-8247581 (Office)