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Two More Stories of Policemen Awakening to the Truth About Falun Gong

Dec. 24, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) My Husband is a Policeman

My husband is a policeman. He is very supportive of my practice of Falun Gong. When the persecution started in 1999, he encouraged me to be steadfast. When I first started to distribute flyers and posters that clarify the facts about Falun Gong , I was a bit apprehensive. He put on his police uniform and said, "Come let's go. I will accompany you." Although his parents are ill, our child needs to go to school and we are not that well off, each time I needed money for flyers, he was very generous about it. After I go out to clarify the facts and persuade people to renounce their CCP membership, he always is concerned and asks, "How many people renounced their membership today?" After work, he comes into the kitchen to help out. He might say, "Let me take over. You go and send forth righteous thoughts. It is time."

The words of a police station chief told in confidence

My company is located quite close to the Xia District Police Station. During my work, I have some interactions with the policemen there. I am quite familiar with the police station chief.

My brother, sister-in-law and sister and many family members are all Falun Gong practitioners. I have read Zhuan Falun but have yet to start cultivating. After I retired, under the influence of my brother and sister, I started to practice Falun Gong. I gave up my bad habits of smoking and drinking overnight. I read Falun Gong books and was reluctant to put them down. I had dramatic improvements in my physical health.

One day I passed by the police station. At the entrance, I met the police chief. He called out loudly, "What have you been busy with? How come I don't see you around nowadays?"

I replied loudly, "I have been practicing Falun Gong. Quickly gather your policemen and let me give them a lecture on Falun Gong." He waved his hand and looked around nervously, "Come in. Speak softly. Come and have a seat in my office."

He softly asked, "You really started to practice Falun Gong?" "Yes!" I replied. "How did it go?" he asked. I told him seriously, "I quit smoking, drinking and gambling overnight. My blood pressure and heart disease were cured within a short time. If you read Falun Gong books you will understand why Falun Gong practitioners are so steadfast. What law has Falun Gong broken? None! Recently, all over the country some righteous lawyers started to defend Falun Gong practitioners. There isn't a single law in China's constitution that bans Falun Gong. What Falun Gong does is totally within the law and all the persecution is against the law and even considered committing a crime."

At this time, the chief walked softly to the door of his office. He pushed hard at the door that was already shut to make sure that it was tightly shut. Then he quietly told me in confidence, "I will be retiring soon. After my retirement, you come to my house. You tell me all you know about Falun Gong and its situation." I replied loudly, "Yes Sir!"

I felt very comforted. One more sentient being had been saved.