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Additional Persecution News from China - December 15, 2008 (35 Reports)

Dec. 24, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's report relates persecution incidents that took place in 27 cities or counties in sixteen provinces. Sixty-one Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to brutal mistreatment during detention, and at least 17 practitioners were arrested.

  1. [Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. He Qiufang Died after Being Persecuted
  2. [Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Xu Huifang Sentenced to Forced Labor
  3. [Jilin Province] Mr. Yao Arrested
  4. [Hailong City, Shandong Province] Ms. Yuan Qingxia and Others Arrested
  5. [Hancheng City, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Wang Duo Sentenced to Imprisonment
  6. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhou Meifeng Arrested
  7. [Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province] Nine Practitioners Held in Prison
  8. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Persecution of Ms. Jin Junmei
  9. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Thirteen Practitioners Facing Illegal Sentence
  10. [Luannan County, Hebei Province] Several Practitioners Are Being Tried Again
  11. [Jiange County, Sichuan Province] Mr. Wang Lin Sentenced to Forced Labor
  12. [Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Qiu Yuxia Put into the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
  13. [Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Zhou Lan Held in the Taiyuan City Detention Center
  14. [Jiangxi Province] Mr. Chen Mingyong Arrested
  15. [Yongji County, Jilin Province] Three Members of Mr. Liu Ji's Family Arrested
  16. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhao Xiuying Arrested
  17. [Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Chen Xueqing Arrested in Early November 2008
  18. [Wucheng County, Shandong Province] Mr. Da'ai Arrested on December 9, 2008; Held in a Detention Center
  19. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yang and Ms. Jin Arrested
  20. [Baiquan County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Gao Zhenjiang Arrested
  21. [Fujian Province] The Provincial Women's Forced Labor Camp Authorities Extend the Term of Ms. Xue Zhaohui
  22. [Mianyang City, Sichuan Province] Three Practitioners from the Southwestern Technology University Sentenced to Imprisonment
  23. [Dongying City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wen Xinzhang Arrested
  24. [Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province] Five Practitioners Sentenced
  25. [Kedong County, Heilongjiang Province] Persecution of Ms. Li Jinghua
  26. [Shenzhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Xiaofeng and Ms. Haiyan Held in Detention Center
  27. [Wuwei City, Gansu Province] Three Practitioners in Detention
  28. [Ningchang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhao Shoujin and His Wife Held in the Changtu County Detention Center
  29. [Chongqing] Repeated Arrest of Ms. Fu Rufen
  30. [Changde City, Hunan Province] Ms. Xu Fang Arrested
  31. [Hebei Province] Ms. Li Guiying Arrested
  32. [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Chen Fuzhen Sentenced
  33. [Hebei Province] Persecution of Practitioners in Xinji City
  34. [Qionglai City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Yuan Yuwen Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
  35. [Xinhua County, Hunan Province] Mr. Liao Renqiu and Ms. Li Shunying Arrested

1. [Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. He Qiufang Died after Being Persecuted

Ms. He Qiufang had ovarian cancer before she practiced cultivation in 1996. Personnel from the local 610 Office arrested her and put her into a brainwashing center in the middle of November 2006. They coerced her to write a so-called guarantee statement and forbade her to practice Falun Gong. She died in February 2007 from a relapse of her cancer.

2. [Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Xu Huifang Sentenced to Forced Labor

Police arrested 50-year-old Ms. Xu Huifang on the morning of August 1, 2008 when she distributed Falun Gong flyers in a community. She was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor in early September 2008 and is being held in the Jurong Forced Labor Camp in Jiangsu Province.

3. [Jilin Province] Mr. Yao Arrested

Personnel from the Erdao Police Station arrested 30-year-old Mr. Yao from West No. 8 Avenue in the Erdao District, Changchun City on December 7, 2008. They pried open his door and ransacked his home. Mr. Yao is held in the Weizigou Forced Labor Camp.

4. [Hailong City, Shandong Province] Ms. Yuan Qingxia and Others Arrested

Personnel from the Hanting Police Station arrested Ms. Yuan Qingxia at her workplace and put her into the Hailong Hotel at 6:50 p.m. on December 6, 2008. She was transferred to the Weifang City Detention Center three days later.

Ms. Yuan, about 38 years old, had been sentenced to two years of forced labor. Her husband Mr. Sun Tianpeng was fired because he practices Falun Gong and he now leads a homeless life. Their son, a high school student, has been left at home without care.

Ms. Yang Mingzhen and her husband Mr. Chen Weiguang, as well as Mr. Zhu Jiaqi, Mr. Sui Hongchang, and Mr. and Mrs. Sun were held in the Hailong Hotel. Ms. Yang and Mr. Chen have been released. Ms. Yuan and Mr. Zhu are held in the Weifang City Detention Center.

5. [Hancheng City, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Wang Duo Sentenced to Imprisonment

Mr. Wang Duo was arrested in the middle of September 2007 for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. He was held in the Hancheng City Detention Center for a year and then sentenced to three years in prison in the middle of September 2008.

Chen Zhong, 610 Office head: 86-13109135228

6. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhou Meifeng Arrested

Mr. Zhou Meifeng, an employee from the Hanting District Electric Power Bureau, was arrested at his home at 1:30 p.m. on December 9, 2008. Police confiscated a computer, a printer and 800 yuan in cash and put him in the Weifang City Detention Center.

7. [Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province] Nine Practitioners Held in Prison

Personnel from the Liaoyuan City 610 Office, from the National Security Division and from the Police Department arrested several practitioners and sentenced nine practitioners. Mr. Yu Donghui and Mr. Zhang Lizhi were sentenced to nine years in prison; Ms. Zhao Lijuan to eight years; Mr. Duan Lifeng and Mr. Zhang Jinfeng to seven years; Mr. Xu Hongwei to four years; Ms. Lan Feng to three and a half years; Ms. Zheng Chunling and Ms. Ma Dongyan to three years. These nine practitioners were put in the Shiling Prison in Siping City or the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Jilin City on December 3, 2008.

Xu Hui, Liaoyuan City Domestic Security Division: 86-437-2960044

8. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Persecution of Ms. Jin Junmei

Ms. Jin Junmei, a disabled practitioner, was arrested on April 13, 2008. She was released on medical bail for hospitalization at 4:00 p.m. on December 10, 2008, but her husband died of a stroke at 2:00 a.m. that same day. He could not see his wife before he died.

9. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Thirteen Practitioners Facing Illegal Sentence

Thirteen practitioners including Ms. Jing Fengli and Ms. Lu Xueqin who were illegally arrested at the end of January 2008 are still held in the Qingdao City Detention Center. Ms. Lu and Mr. Li Tao were released on bail. They are facing illegal trial.

10. [Luannan County, Hebei Province] Several Practitioners Are Being Tried Again

The Luannan County Court held a trial for Ms. Liu Xiaoling, Ms. Qing Pengzhen, Ms. Yang Shuzhi, Ms. Zhao Yufang, and a non-practitioner driver, Mr. Zheng Jianjun, on September 23, 2008. Mr. Zheng and Ms. Zhao were sentenced to three years in prison; Ms. Liu, Ms. Qing and Ms. Yang to five years. The verdicts were returned to the county Procuratorate due to insufficient evidence. These practitioners were scheduled to be on trial again on December 18, 2008.

11. [Jiange County, Sichuan Province] Mr. Wang Lin Sentenced to Forced Labor

Mr. Wang Lin, 30 years old, has a small business selling noodles. Personnel from the Jiange County Domestic Security Division arrested him in Chengdu City and put him into a local detention center on July 31, 2008. Mr. Wang was later released for lack of sufficient evidence. However, personnel from the Domestic Security Division and the 610 Office arrested him again several days later and sentenced him to one year of forced labor. Mr. Wang is held in the Xinhua Forced Labor Camp in Mianyang City.

Mr. Wang Lin was sentenced to four years of forced labor for practicing Falun Gong in 2000. Right after four years of maltreatment in the Deyang City Prison, he was put into the Lianhua Resort Brainwashing Center in Guangyuan City.

Zhao Xiaolin, 610 Office head: 86-839-6600610, 86-839-6625747, 86-13006465100
Li Bixin, deputy head: 86-839-6600610

12. [Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Qiu Yuxia Put into the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison

Ms. Qiu Yuxia, who has been held in the Jiamusi City Detention Center for five months, was transferred to the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison on December 10, 2008.

Personnel from the Jiamusi City 610 Office and from the Domestic Security Division arrested eight practitioners, including Ms. Qiu and her sister Ms. Qiu Yufen, on July 2, 2008. The arrest happened when they hired a lawyer for Ms. Qiu's daughter, Ms. Ma Duo, and appealed Ms. Ma's sentence of imprisonment. Ms. Qiu and her daughter were later sentenced to three years in prison. Prior to this sentence, 26-year-old Ms. Ma had been held in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison.

Ms. Qiu Yufen is held in the Jiamusi City Forced Labor Camp.

13. [Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Zhou Lan Held in the Taiyuan City Detention Center

Personnel from the Taiyuan City Police Department arrested 40-year-old Ms. Zhou Lan for distributing Falun Gong flyers on July 25, 2008. Officials from the city's Procuratorate issued an arrest certificate for her on August 6, 2008. Personnel from the Yingze District Police Department put Ms. Zhou on trial on October 9, 2008.

Ms. Zhou is currently being held in the city detention center.

14. [Jiangxi Province] Mr. Chen Mingyong Arrested

Mr. Chen Mingyong from Sichuan Province works in a construction company in Jingde Town, Jiangxi Province. Police arrested him and ransacked his rented place on December 8, 2008. They confiscated a laptop computer, a DVD burner, a printer and an MP3 player. Mr. Chen is currently held in the town detention center.

15. [Yongji County, Jilin Province] Three Members of Mr. Liu Ji's Family Arrested

Personnel from the Xiyang Town Police Station arrested Mr. Liu Ji, his daughter and his son and ransacked their home in Hamotang Village, Xiyang Town, Yongji County on December 10, 2008.

Zhu Zhaohong, Xiyang Town Police Station chief: 86-432-4265610 (Office), 86-432-4223208 (Home), 86-13904446208 (Cell)

16. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhao Xiuying Arrested

Seventy-year-old Ms. Zhao Xiuying from the Lanshan District, Linyi City was reported and arrested. She is held in the city detention center.

17. [Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Chen Xueqing Arrested in Early November 2008

18. [Wucheng County, Shandong Province] Mr. Da'ai Arrested on December 9, 2008; Held in a Detention Center

19. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yang and Ms. Jin Arrested

Personnel from the Erdao District Police Department broke into Ms. Yao's home, arrested her and ransacked the place on December 8, 2008. They confiscated some Dafa books, pictures and some cash.

The police arrested Ms. Jin on the afternoon of December 12, 2008. She has been released after her family was fined10,000 "yuan".

20. [Baiquan County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Gao Zhenjiang Arrested

Officers including Jia Daqing from the Baiquan County No.1 Police Station arrested Mr. Gao Zhenjiang at his home at 7:00 a.m. on December 11, 2008. The police ransacked his home and put him in the Kedong County Detention Center.

Kedong County Detention Center: 86-452-4322510
Baiquan County No.1 Police Station: 86-452-7323219
Zhu Qingyu, 610 Office head: 86-13504825400 (Cell), 86-452-7325359 (Home)
Wang Shutang, 610 Office: 86-13845229758 (Cell)

21. [Fujian Province] The Provincial Women's Forced Labor Camp Authorities Extend the Term of Ms. Xue Zhaohui

22. [Mianyang City, Sichuan Province] Three Practitioners from the Southwestern Technology University Sentenced to Imprisonment

Ms. Yan Xiaolin, Ms. Mu Ling and Ms. Liu Fang are practitioners from the Southwestern Technology University. Personnel from the Fucheng District Domestic Security Division in Mianyang City arrested them and held them for a year before sentencing them to prison in November 2008. They were sentenced to three and four years in prison, respectively. Ms. Liu has been put into the Ya'an Prison and Ms. Yan is held in a local detention center.

23. [Dongying City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wen Xinzhang Arrested

Mr. Wen Xinzhang from Xianhe Town, Dongying City was arrested at his home on December 4, 2008. Police ransacked his home and confiscated some Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. Mr. Wen is held in the city brainwashing center.

24. [Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province] Five Practitioners Sentenced

Mr. Dong Xiaobao, Mr. Jin Shunsheng, Mr. Zou Zhaokui and Ms. Zhang Fenfang from Xinyu City were arrested on May 8, 2008.

Ms. Zhang was sentenced to five years in prison without any trial and put in the Nanchang City Prison. Mr. Dong, Mr. Jin and Mr. Zou were on trial in the Yushui District Court on August 28, 2008. They were sentenced to four and a half years of prison. They appealed to the city's Intermediate Court, but they were placed in the Nanchang City Prison without a second trial.

Mr. Zhang Fuxiang from Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province was arrested on August 3, 2008. Yushui District Court officials sentenced him to five years in prison on September 24, 2008. He has been put in the Nanchang City Prison.

25. [Kedong County, Heilongjiang Province] Persecution of Ms. Li Jinghua

Ms. Li Jinghua, 51 years old, is a doctor in the Kedong County Hospital OB/GYN Department. She has been persecuted many times since 1999. She was held in the county detention center for five months in 2001, and for four months from December 2002 to April 2003. Ms. Li was held in a forced labor camp for about two years, between November 2004 and January 2007. She was forbidden to sleep, forced to sit on a metal chair and she was beaten. The local police station is still holding her citizen I.D. card.

The county hospital's former chief Jin Nanzhe suspended Ms. Li on December 18, 2000. Ms. Li could not work or get any financial support.

Han Yong, Kedong County Political and Judiciary Committee's 610 Office head: 86-452-4311598 (Home), 86-13803630598 (Cell)
Lu Dingzhi, Kedong County Police Department chief: 86-452-4312771 (Office), 86-452-3324519 (Home), 86-13504827110 (Cell)

26. [Shenzhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Xiaofeng and Ms. Haiyan Held in Detention Center

Ms. Xiaofeng, Ms. Haiyan and Ms. Rongjuan from Donganzhuang Township in Shenzhou City went to the township police station to request the return of confiscated items on December 12, 2008. Police station chief Liu Baoxiang held them until that night and put Ms. Xiaofeng and Ms. Haiyan into a detention center.

Ms. Rongjuan was released.

Donganzhuang Township Police Station: 86-318-3319981

27. [Wuwei City, Gansu Province] Three Practitioners in Detention

Mr. Zhang Ruiwu from Wuwei City was sentenced to two years of forced labor and sent to the Ping'antai Forced Labor Camp in Lanzhou City. Mr. Hu Jian and Ms. Zhang Juxiang are held in a detention center.

Chen Fenggang, Wuwei City Domestic Security Division chief: 86-13309359508

28. [Ningchang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhao Shoujin and His Wife Held in the Changtu County Detention Center

Sixty-one-year-old Mr. Zhao Shoujin and his wife from Shibajiazi Township, Changtu County was arrested on December 30, 2008 and held in the county detention center.

Yan Guijun, Changtu County 610 Office head: 86-410-58111870
Yang Yuping, Changtu County Police Department deputy chief: 86-15841033222, 86-410-5814009 (Home)
Zheng Jun, Changtu County Detention Center chief: 86-13941072003 (Cell), 86-410-5823851 (Office)

29. [Chongqing] Repeated Arrest of Ms. Fu Rufen

Ms. Fu Rufen, 57 years old, is a doctor in No. 2 Village, Shouqiao Township, Xiaodu Town, Tongnan County, Chongqing. She was arrested twice for appealing for justice for Falun Gong in Beijing. She was held in the city's Maojiashan Women's Forced Labor Camp for a year as of January 10, 2000. Then her forced-labor term was extended by nine months because she refused to give up Falun Gong practice. The guards used all kinds of methods to torture her.

Ms. Fu, Ms. Zhang Hua and Ms. Ding Hongmei went to Banzhu Township in Tongnan County to explain the facts about Falun Gong on September 22, 2006. Police arrested her and sentenced her to two years of forced labor. She was released on September 21, 2008.

Ms. Fu went to the Datong Street Post Office but was arrested there at 9:00 a.m. on December 8, 2008. Personnel from the county's Domestic Security Division and from the Shouqiao Township Police Station ransacked her home and confiscated an MP3 player. The police then ransacked Ms. Fu's sister Ms. Fu Rufang's home at 5:00 p.m. that day. They confiscated two laptop computers, five MP3 players, two removable hard drives, a photograph of Master, a cell phone and two notebooks. Ms. Fu's whereabouts are unknown.

Luo Yonghong, Tongnan County Domestic Security Division: 86-23-44582048 (Office), 86-23-44907513, 86-13983265867 (Cell)

30. [Changde City, Hunan Province] Ms. Xu Fang Arrested

Ms. Xu Fang was arrested on the afternoon of December 11, 2008 and is held in a local police station.

31. [Hebei Province] Ms. Li Guiying Arrested

Ms. Li Guiying works in the Huabei Oil Field No. 7 Comprehensive Section in Renqiu City, Hebei Province. On December 8, 2008, personnel from the city's Domestic Security Division arrested her and put her into the city detention center. Six officers from the Renqiu City Police Department and from the Shuidian Police Station ransacked her home and confiscated a Dafa book.

Li Jinpeng, Renqiu City Detention Center chief: 86-13731709998
Kong Fanmao, Renqiu City Domestic Security Division chief: 86-15603170001, 86-317-2222452
Cui Hongzhuang, Renqiu City 610 Office head: 86-13603276158

32. [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Chen Fuzhen Sentenced

33. [Hebei Province] Persecution of Practitioners in Xinji City

Mr. Chen Xipu and his brother Mr. Chen Xijian from Dashizhuang Village, Xinji City were persecuted in the Jidong Prison, but have been released.

Five practitioners from the village were sentenced to prison, and two were sentenced to forced labor.

Mr. Chen Xipu died, and his sister-in-law Ms. Zhang Zhe is still held in a prison.

Mr. Xing Wuqiang was sentenced to forced labor and is still held in a detention center.

34. [Qionglai City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Yuan Yuwen Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

35. [Xinhua County, Hunan Province] Mr. Liao Renqiu and Ms. Li Shunying Arrested

Personnel from the Xinhua County Domestic Security Division arrested Mr. Liao Renqiu and Ms. Li Shunying from Xinhua County at 3:00 p.m. on December 11, 2008. The police ransacked their homes and confiscated some Dafa books. Mr. Liao and Ms. Li's whereabouts are unknown.