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Police Awaken to the Futility of the Persecution

Dec. 24, 2008 |   By Falun Gong practitioner in Liaoning Province


Case 1: Some police are awakening to the truth

In a township police station in Jingzhou City, Liaoning Province, a police chief frequently received reports that defamed Falun Gong. He went and investigated, but never arrested any practitioners. He received a second case defaming the same practitioner. He drove directly to this practitioner's house and the moment he entered, he said, "This is the first time I have come to your house. But I recognize you, because in the past someone reported you to us. I drove here and watched you. I saw that you were putting up posters and distributing flyers, but I acted as though I did not see you."

"Today I have come to your house because I would like to your friend. At the same time, I would also like to inform you that today is the first time I came to your house, but it will also be the last time. Please be assured. Do you know why I am doing this. This is because I know that Falun Gong practitioners are all good people and thus I have this principle: Don't make trouble for Falun Gong."

Case 2: Stop doing a job against my conscience

A policeman frequently had to participate in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Once the police captured a lady in her seventies, a practitioner, and locked her up in his office. He saw that she was forced to lie on the cement floor. She told him, "My child, please don't persecute us. We Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. You see I am an old lady who used to suffer from all kinds of illnesses. After practicing Falun Gong, all my illnesses disappeared. I have been forced to lie on this cold cement floor for 7 to 8 days already, but I am still fine. If it were you, I bet you could not be able to withstand it."

After he heard what she said, he was moved. He did not have the heart to continue participating in the persecution. He decided to quit his job and stop doing a job against his conscience. After returning home, he told his wife about his thoughts and his wife supported him.

In the year 2006, he retired and stayed at home. He no longer want to do a job against his conscience.