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Malaysia: Promotional Activities Prior to Experience Sharing Conference Attracts Public Attention (Photos)

Dec. 9, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) On December 6, the day before the 2008 Malaysia Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference, Falun Gong practitioners held a large outdoor event at the Penang Botanical Garden, a famous tourist attraction. The activities attracted attention from many tourists, who supported our efforts to help end the persecution in China.

At around 4 p.m., about 200 practitioners came to the Botanical Garden and started a group exercise at the small hill in the park's center. The peaceful exercises of Falun Gong drew the attention of many local residents and tourists.

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Group exercise

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A tourist takes a photo of the group exercise site

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Local residents and tourists alike came to learn about Falun Gong

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The practitioners also set up a photo display in order to let the tourists know more about the ongoing persecution in China and the spread of Falun Gong around the world.

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Mr. Chen found the Falun Gong exercises very interesting

Mr. Chen is a gas retailer and it was his first time to meet Falun Gong practitioners. When he was interviewed, he said that he was very interested in the Falun Gong exercises and believed that the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" were very good. Regarding the persecution, he felt very sad and said that the Chinese Communist Party's atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners are unacceptable and must be stopped.

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Shereen from Saudi Arabia: The practice is very peaceful and very good

Shereen is from Saudi Arabia, and this was her first visit to Malaysia. She said: "The practice is very peaceful, very good." She also found the persecution happening in China to be unacceptable and urged more people to help the situation: "We should help each other. I hope the situation will soon improve."

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Osama of Jordan said that Falun Gong is a beneficial mind and body practice

Cousins Renee and Moxique from Mexico were fascinated by the Falun Gong exercise demonstration, and they said that they were touched by the practitioners' noble demeanor facing the brutal persecution. "Please let other places in the world also know what is happening in China," the cousins told the practitioners.

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Renee (left) and Moxique were shocked to learn about the Chinese Communist Party's atrocities of harvesting organs from living practitioners.

At the end of the event, Malaysia and Singapore practitioners' Divine Land Marching Band played the music of Falun Dafa and drew many spectators.

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Practitioners' Divine Land Marching Band