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Falun Gong Practitioners Pass Away in Anhui, Liaoning, and Hebei Provinces as a Result of Persecution

Dec. 9, 2008


Mr. Zhang Liangming from Tongling, Anhui Province passed away

Mr. Zhang Liangming, about 47 years old, lived in apartment No. 16 of Building No. 9 in Changjiang Village, Henggang, Tongling City, Anhui Province. Since July 20, 1999, he has been frequently harassed and detained several times by local police, the Security Department of the phosphorus ammonia plant, and the Residence Management Committee.

In 2000, Zhang Liangming was illegally sent to a forced labor camp by the local police because he want to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was then sent to Nanhu Forced Labor Camp in Anhui Province. The clinic in the forced labor camp gave him unknown injections and he suffered a mental breakdown. His family later bailed him out for medical treatment. He never recovered and passed away on June 12, 2008.

Ms. Ma Shuyun, a Falun Gong practitioner from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, passed away

Ms. Ma Shuyun, a Falun Gong practitioner from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, 56 years old, began to practice Falun Gong in 2007 after seeing her sons Cong Ming and Cong Liang's changes after practicing. On August 10, 2008, her son Cong Liang was arrested. She was unable to bear the trauma and passed away on October 29, 2008.

On October 31, the day her funeral was held, CCP staff in Shenyang City scheduled a hearing in Dadong District Court for Cong Liang's case so that no one from his family could attend.

In the past nine years, Ms. Ma's family has suffered the CCP's persecution only because they wanted to practice Falun Gong and be good people. The twin brothers Cong Ming and Cong Liang began practicing Falun Gong while they were working at a restaurant in Shenyang. After they practiced Falun Gong, they required themselves to be good people by following the principles of "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance".

In May 2001, Cong Ming was sentenced to 9 years and was first detained at the Dalian Wafangdian Prison. On July 12, 2007, he was transferred to the Dalian Nanguanling Prison. In July 2001, Cong Liang was forced by the police in Dongling District Nanta Police Station to fall from a sixth floor building. He was severely injured, with multiple broken bones, and in a coma for 11 days. Later on he recovered miraculously after practicing Falun Gong.

Their father could not understand why his sons were sent to prison merely for being good people. He often spent his time drinking and died from a heart attack in 2002.

On the evening of August 10, 2008, Cong Liang was arrested by police from a branch station in Dadong District. A policeman from Chang'an police station drove his mother from her home so that he could stake out the place for arresting other practitioners. She was forced to rent an apartment that had no heat and was very cold at night. She fell ill from the trauma of her sons being arrested and kicked out of her home, and could not get up from bed. The landlord was afraid that she might die in the rented room and asked her to leave.

Under such persecution, Ms. Ma Shuyun passed away on October 29, 2008.

Ms. Li Ximei passed away in Li County, Hebei Province

Ms. Li Ximei, 67 years old, from Linbao Village, Linbao Township, Li County, Hebei Province, began to practice Falun Gong in 1998. She became healthy and recovered from her illnesses after starting the practice. In 1999, she was illegally sent to a brainwashing session several times to suffer persecution. One day in October 2000, she was arrested and taken to the township government office by the police to suffer persecution. She was released after being extorted out of 5,000 yuan. After that, the police and local township staff members went to her home to harass her several times. In the end of 2002, the township staff members took her to the township government and detained her in a small room for persecution.

Due to constant persecution from the CCP's staff members, she could not practice Falun Gong on a regular basis. In 2005, she fell ill and passed away on February 28, 2008.