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Ms. Wang Haitian is Arrested in Luanda County, Hebei Province

Dec. 9, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) On November 23, 2008, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Haitian and another practitioner went to Madamiao Village, Mayingzi Township, Luanda County, Hebei Province to distribute Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials. They were reported to the village committee and the Mayingzi Township Police Station. Approximately four or five police officers, led by Shu Ruiz, arrested the two practitioners. They were taken to the Mayingzi Township Station.

Shu Ruiz, together with Wang Fusing, an instructor at the township police station (also the Domestic Security officer) both report to Jiang Xueyong, the director of the county Domestic Security Division. Four police officers headed by Jiang went to the township police station to torture these two practitioners. One young police officer cursed the practitioners and slandered Master and Dafa.

At approximately 2 p.m. on the same day, Ms. Wang and another practitioner were taken to an office of the County Domestic Security Division. They also asked Yin Yulan, the deputy director of the county 610 Office, to come to torture them. At present, Ms. Wang is being held by police officers. Police officers claim that at 9:00 pm. on November 23, 2008, they took Ms. Wang to another place, but no information or details were available. Another practitioner escaped with righteous thoughts at 1:00 am. on November 24, 2008.

Police officer Jiang Xueyong has been a director of the Domestic Security Division of the Luanda County Police Department for many years. He has arrested, extracted confessions from, and detained Falun Gong practitioners, and ransacked their homes. In total, he has sentenced dozens of practitioners to forced labor. Every practitioner has had money stolen through extortion. For some this has occurred many times. He has been working at Tiananmen Square to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners. He declared that he would take Ms. Wang to a labor camp and not allow her family to visit her.

Jiang Xueyong: 86-13932409218(Cell) 86-314-858890
Mayingzi Township Police Station: 86-314-8856028,

Mao Jilin, the director of police station; Yin Yulan, the deputy director of 610 Office:

86-314-8581506, (Cell) 86-13932487518