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A Young Practitioner's Experiences in Clarifying the Truth

Feb. 16, 2008 |   By young Falun Dafa practitioner Cong Cong

(Clearwisdom.net) I am 12 years old. Although I am young, I have been practicing Falun Gong for several years, and today I would like to share my cultivation experiences.

Clarifying the Truth, Saving Sentient Beings

One day, during my second year in school, I saw that my mother had obtained many beautiful Dafa truth-clarification cards, so I wanted to give them to my classmates. On the first day, I took ten or so cards to school, and all my classmates really wanted them. I took another twenty cards on the second day and everybody tried to grab one. Those who didn't get one even checked my school bag for more and said I was being stingy. Then the attachment of zealotry emerged in me. On the third day, I took another handful of cards for my classmates, but was discovered by a teacher, who questioned me about where I got them. I said I had picked them up and the teacher told me not to bring any more.

Not long after, due to the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong, my parents had to leave home to avoid persecution. I also had to change schools. At that time, I was very scared and secretly checked around for police vehicles.

One day our teacher asked us to write an article, with three sentences of true words from our hearts. I said to my second aunt, "Do you know what is in my mind? First, I do not want the police to seize my mom and dad. Second, I want to have a calm and steady family environment. Third, I want to have carefree life like other children." My aunt cried, as I was only nine years old at that time.

We did not have a TV. On one occasion I cried when I went to a relative's home but didn't get to watch cartoons. Mother told me stories of uncle and aunts validating Dafa and how they went through many hardships, some even losing their lives, and she told me to let go of that attachment.

When practitioners began helping people withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations, mother encouraged me to tell my classmates to withdraw from the Young Pioneers. I told the classmate who sat next to me and she quit. I asked her to tell her father, mother, and elder sister, to which she agreed. On the second day, she delightedly told me that all three of them had agreed to quit the party. My mother also gave her parents the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. I tell my classmates about it, one after another, and when there is an opportunity I bring my classmates to my mother's shop so she can help me to explain.

Looking Inward, Abandoning Attachments

One day, underneath the drum tower, several disabled people were singing. When people threw them money, one of the troupe thanked them. When I gave her money, she said nothing, I was very unhappy. After I got home, I thought, "Wasn't that jealousy? I must abandon it."

On last year's exam, I was ranked number three. I was very happy and jumped around, but my mother pointed out that I had an attachment. I said I knew it, but she should let me be happy for a while and then I would abandon it. After a while, I said to myself, "This is the attachment of zealotry. I do not want that," and my heart became calm. Whenever other people praise me, I am happy. I know this is the attachment of zealotry and showing off and I need to eliminate it.

I still have many shortcomings. I do not like doing the exercises, and I love to watch TV. From now on I must cultivate diligently so I can go home with Teacher.