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Facts about the Persecution of Dai Xiaoping at the Wangcun Women's Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province

Feb. 17, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dai Xiaoping, a resident of the Kuiwen District in Weifang City, Shandong Province, was incarcerated in the Wangcun Women's Forced Labor Camp in the fall of 2001. That is where I got to know her. As soon as she arrived, she was sent to the most vicious Division No. 5. As she was very steadfast, she was locked up in a solitary cell and made to undergo "reformation" for long periods of time. Several people took turns monitoring her.

As practitioners Dai Xiaoping and Shao Yongmei from the Zhaoyuan area refused to cooperate with the unreasonable demands of the police, the guards used sleep deprivation as a means of torture for extended periods of time, sometimes for several months. The two of them were separated and locked up in solitary cells. They were bombarded with slander and false propaganda around the clock.

Ms. Dai Xiaoping's husband was physically abused until he became partially paralyzed on one side of his body. He could not attend to his daily needs or take care of their school-aged daughter. Even so, Ms. Dai Xiaoping still persists in her cultivation. As she showed no signs of giving in, No. 5 Division head Qu Xiuying said, "In order to try to 'reform' Dai Xiaoping, I had to personally talk to her on a one to one basis more than 200 times."

Qu Xiuying asked for suggestions from other guards, but they were all in vain. The guards tried to use Ms. Dai's mother to get leverage on her, but failed. They gave her a birthday cake and Chinese New Year present in an act of false kindness, but that did not fool her, either. None of the strict monitoring, torture devices, threats and beatings worked. Ms. Dai Xiaoping reasoned with them and pointed out from a legal perspective that what they were doing is against the law.

The guards became more determined to brainwash her. They locked her up and tortured her more cruelly. They vowed that if they did not succeed, they would never let Ms. Dai go. She was isolated from the rest of the incarcerated practitioners. A few months later, I heard that she became paralyzed on one side of her body, and her life was in danger. Some officers became worried that they would be held responsible for her death and transferred out. Dai Xiaoping was severely abused at the Wangcun Women's Forced Labor Camp for more than a year before she managed to get out. She seemed to have aged a lot in that one year, her face getting more wrinkled and her hair turning white.

Ms. Dai Xiaoping's husband was Mou Naiwu, an outstanding teacher at Weifang College. His employers have withheld his salary since October 1999 because he practiced Falun Gong. He became partially paralyzed from cruel persecution and abuse in 2000, and he died on June 13, 2004 as a result of the persecution.

Ms. Dai Xiaoping was fired from the Weifang No. 2 Printing and Dying Factory in October 1999 for her practice of Falun Gong. She lost her source of income, and she and her daughter are in dire circumstances.

Ms. Dai was once again illegally detained at the same camp in November 2007, and we have no details on her current situation.

Wangcun Women's Forced Labor Camp

Chief, Liu Changzeng: 86-533-6690988(Office), 86-533-6689888(Home), 86-13805336562(Cell)