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Switzerland: An Overview of the Activities of Swiss Practitioners (Part 4)

Feb. 17, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich is well known as a shopping center, where you can buy various famous brands and quality goods including antiques, wrist watches, jewelry, and necklaces-- everything one could wish for. Visitors even fly in by air to Bahnhofstrasse to shop. Since the end of 2005, Falun Gong practitioners have been coming to Bahnhofstrasse to hold "Information Day" activities on the second Saturday of each month.

Lin from Berne has a two-year-old son called Yuan Yuan. Although Yuan Yuan is a little boy, he happily gives leaflets to passersby and joins in with his parents. Lin said, "Our whole family comes here in order to make China stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. We feel heartbroken when we see that many Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted to death every day. In particular, there are many children whose parents have been persecuted to death and even some of their grandmothers have been persecuted to death. I think it is really very cruel. So I am hoping to help stop the persecution as soon as possible so that more children will not lose their family members."

At the beginning, many passersby just walked past quickly, but gradually many were attracted by demonstrations of the Falun Gong exercises. Especially since March 2006, many people have been shocked by practitioners' banners such as, "The CCP harvests organs for profit in concentration camps." They talk with the practitioners for a long time and ask about the harvesting of organs from living practitioners in detail. Many people sign the petition appealing for an end to the CCP persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

In various activities, more and more passersby are willing to make known their wish for justice and express their desire to help stop this persecution.

A lady from Germany once poured over the report by Kilgour and Matas about the CCP's live organ harvesting. She said, "Having read the news report (about the organ harvesting), I asked IGFM to send me by post the investigation report written by the two Canadians. After having studied the report carefully, I feel it is very convincing. Although the two Canadians have not been able to go to China for direct investigations due to obstruction, I think illegal live organ harvesting does exist."

Regarding the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners that is happening in China, she said, "This is entirely wrong. No one should be persecuted just because he practices meditation and learns to be a good person and cares about other people."

After learning about the CCP atrocities of live organ removal from Falun Gong practitioners, a nun said, "Those Falun Gong practitioners who are jailed in concentration camps are brutally treated, killed, and missing. All this is not acceptable. This should not have happened. I am so shocked by the fact that this could happen at all. That is why I am signing as a small help to stop this."

One lady, having read the information on practitioners' display boards, signed her name immediately. She said, "I am shocked by this persecution of human rights. The trade in human bodies and organs reminds me of what happened in Europe during the two World Wars. So I am signing to stop this persecution".

Not only more and more Swiss people have learned about the persecution of Falun Gong, but also many more Chinese are gradually starting to see through the CCP's lies.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200802/43166.html