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New York Spectator: "Really, Really Touched the Heart and the Mind"

Feb. 17, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) Amid great success and applause, the Chinese New Year Splendor struck a deep chord with many and proved to be more than just entertainment.

David Madison, a Presbyterian minister praised all aspects of the Splendor, saying, "It was a wonderful show! The dancing was just splendid. The emcee of the show was spectacular." He said that what touched him the most was the dance, "The Risen Lotus Flower" which depicted three imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners. He also enjoyed the drums because they were "very powerful and dramatic." Rev. Madison said, "I think the traditions of Chinese culture were presented as well as could be. I think the Chinese culture can be appreciated by people of any culture and ethnicity...I also appreciated the value of peacefulness [reflected in the show]."

Cindy Commisso, whose son is taking Chinese lessons said, "It was very engaging. You can see the athletic abilities of these individuals. Gorgeous!" She also compared classical Chinese dance to Western ballet, saying that they are "similar" but Chinese dance is "not as abstract and more concrete, due to the elaborate story-telling."

Joanne McGinley, a science teacher said, "Everything was very well done! Beautiful scenery, beautiful set, amazing storyline. It's a great introduction to Chinese culture." She particularly mentioned the dance, "The Fruits of Goodness," saying, "[It shows] there's still hope for our youth, that they are not completely lost; they can still understand and appreciate history, other cultures and their own culture. I think it's actually very important for the young generation [to be aware], considering China is becoming such a force in the political world and the economic world; we need to know more about it. The better you understand something, the better you can relate to it..."

Ramon De La Cruise thought the Splendor is simply without equal: "I've never seen anything like it. All the performances are good, very distinct and very unique. From the start to finish, they are all excellent."

He also felt inspired by the message he received through the performance: "You do the right thing despite what happens negatively to you, and there is always a opportunity to overcome and do well."

Steve Hernandez, a pharmaceutical researcher, took his wife to the Splendor for her birthday and was overjoyed with the experience. He called the show, "Excellent, very wholesome," and said, "The costumes, stage presentation, music, singing, everything was just spectacular." He also felt that the audience was included and made very much part of the show.

Further commenting on the spiritual aspect of the Splendor, Mr. Hernandez said, "I think the message came across, close to the heart, through the grace and fluidity of the movements and the multimedia art forms. The dance, the song, the words, the background, the beauty of the landscapes, all coming together to bring a package to the audience that really, really touched the heart and the mind."