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Japan: Audience Loves Chinese Culture

Feb. 17, 2008 |   By a Minghui/Clearwisdom reporter

(Clearwisdom.net) On February 13, the second performance of the Divine Performing Arts Spectacular was held in the Wel City Tokyo theater in Tokyo, Japan.

Mr. O Shensi, a former congressman, commented on the show: "It was splendid. A world class show inspired by the 5,000-year-old Chinese culture." He said the show was one of the best that he has seen in the last few decades.

Another congressman said, "The show demonstrated traditional Chinese culture, and also manifested the great power of Chinese people." He said that he would recommend this show to more Japanese.

A famous media founder said he was deeply moved by the show because of its profound philosophical contents.

The Colombian ambassador to Japan came to the Spectacular with her family. She highly praised the show: "I enjoyed all the performances, especially the dances." She said that the background designs were unique and she never saw such a good combination of sophisticated technology and traditional arts before.

A Chinese family from Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province said, "This show manifested the real purpose of life: be compassionate. People need to be compassionate at every moment."

Ms. Wang and her son were worried about the corrupted moral standards in China. They liked the show because of its profound content and high moral values and said that they would come again next year.

Mr. He, a Chinese engineer, liked the drum dances the most. He was moved by the dance, "The Loyalty of Yue Fei," saying that young Chinese people should learn about the spirit of loyalty from Yue Fei.

Mr. Zhao, a Chinese computer engineer, also liked the dance, "The Loyaty of Yue Fei" and "The Lady of the Moon." He said that there are lots of shows staged in China too, but most of them are political and try to promote the government's propaganda.