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A Notion that Should Be Removed from Our Truth-Clarification and Saving Sentient Beings

Feb. 21, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, a non-practitioner published a second open letter on the Internet in support of Falun Gong. Some practitioners praised how well the letter was written. I also read the letter and would like to share some thoughts on the topic.

This non-practitioner mentioned that after his first open letter was published, he received many phone calls from Falun Gong practitioners, some of whom thanked him in tears. In my opinion, it is understandable for a practitioner to call him and express their feeling for his choosing a wonderful future, but is it necessary to thank him in tears? Aren't those practitioners regarding a non-practitioner's good deed as more powerful and important than Master's Fa-rectification and practitioners' eliminating evil with righteous thoughts?

I feel that we should pay special attention to a problem that has long existed. On the surface it appears to be a form of dependence on others to end the persecution. However, deep down it is a failure to have faith in Master and the Fa and to handle oneself as a practitioner.

After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, practitioners entered the Fa-rectification period of cultivation by doing truth-clarification and self-cultivation simultaneously. On the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, a great amount of articles about exposing the persecution and saving sentient beings via truth-clarification have been published. This is due to practitioners' compassion, but a problem has grown steadily. The problem is that in order for people to understand the truth and be saved more easily, practitioners often take ordinary people's angles to clarify the facts and hope to gain their support that way.

This approach is an outcome of the practitioners' compassion and wisdom in clarifying the truth to people. However, as time went by, I have discovered that many practitioners harbor hope in prominent non-practitioners' helping to end the persecution. In that case, we are indeed asking ordinary society to restore the reputation of Master and Dafa, and hoping for redress from them.

I think that is a shameful stance to take. That would mean Dafa's sacred disciples, who are bestowed with supernormal powers, putting ourselves lower than a normal, persecuted group. It's no wonder that some people have been describing practitioners as a "disadvantaged" group and not taking the facts seriously. It's no wonder that some of the persecutors have been trampling our human dignity and laughing off our arduous efforts at truth clarification.

Over the years, I can see in some practitioners' articles a mentality of sadness, helplessness and putting their hopes in others. I think these are suppressing our righteous thoughts and supernormal powers, and are reflections of not understanding the Fa well enough.

I want to share an experience of mine in another dimension. One day, I was attacked by a group of evil beings, and my righteous thoughts did not work. I suddenly realized that my mentality was not right. How could I be overwhelmed by sadness and hopelessness? I immediately focused my mind to stay in a state of serenity and optimism. Suddenly, all the evil surrounding me was extinguished, and I began to ascend.

In fact, when we try our best to keep a calm heart while studying the Fa, empty the mind while practicing the exercises, send forth righteous thought while our main consciousness is predominant and suppress the bad thoughts that constantly arise, aren't these manifestations of supernormal capabilities?

All the things instilled with our righteous thoughts, regardless of whether we are saving others or cultivating ourselves, are in fact manifestations of our supernormal capabilities. All of these things are eliminating the evil and saving sentient beings. It is from the Fa that our righteous thoughts and powers arise, and we should be passing them on to the sentient beings, as opposed to hoping that they will help to free us with their good thoughts or power.

Master has told us very clearly,

"While righteous thoughts display the might of Gods,
Returning to Heaven is no longer just yearned for."

("New Year's Greetings from Master" on 12/31/02)