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Additional Persecution News from China - February 11 2008 (14 Reports)

Feb. 21, 2008


Today's report relates persecution incidents that involve 14 cities or counties in 8 provinces. Twenty-one Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to maltreatment during detention, and at least 9 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ding Zhenfang Stages a Protest Hunger Strike
  2. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] Zhou Suying Arrested and Current Situation Unknown
  3. [Guang'an City, Sichuan Province] Qiang Fuxiang Put into the Zizhong City Women's Forced Labor Camp
  4. [Zunhua City, Hebei Province] Hao Xiuling and Tian Xiufang Arrested
  5. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Zhou Huimin Put into the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp
  6. [Chongqing] Gao Yunxia Put into the Yongchuan Women's Prison
  7. [Nanpi County, Hebei Province] Police Extort Money from Zhang Yuying
  8. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] 610 Office Agents Arrested Lu Jingxiang and Du Hongxia
  9. [Tianjin] Police from Chengguan Town Forcibly Removed Satellite TV Receivers Used to View New Tang Dynasty TV Programs
  10. [Shantou City, Shandong Province] Police Arrest a Practitioner in the Chaoyang District
  11. [Mengyin County, Shandong Province] Persecution of Zhao Chuanwu
  12. [Baishan City, Jilin Province] Ran Jing Held at the Changchun City Women's Forced Labor Camp
  13. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Persecution of Dong Huide
  14. [Jilin Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Persecution of Practitioners in Changchun City in 2007

1. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ding Zhenfang Stages a Protest Hunger Strike

Ms. Ding Zhenfang stages a hunger strike to protest persecution at the Yaojia Detention Center. Police put her in shackles and force-feed her.

2. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] Zhou Suying Arrested and Current Situation Unknown

Ms. Zhou Suying, 60 years old is a widow and a retired employee from the Xi'an Railway Bureau. Her son lives in another city and she had lived alone prior to her arrest in October 2007. Her current circumstance is unknown.

3. [Guang'an City, Sichuan Province] Qiang Fuxiang Put into the Zizhong City Women's Forced Labor Camp

A group of policemen pretended to repair their car and asked Ms. Qiang Fuxiang to open her garage door the night of February 2, 2008. They arrested Ms. Qiang and put her into the Zizhong City Women's Forced Labor Camp for a one and a half year term.

4. [Zunhua City, Hebei Province] Hao Xiuling and Tian Xiufang Arrested

Someone reported Ms. Hao Xiuling and Ms. Tian Xiufang from Qujiapu Village, Yijingpu Township, Shimen Town, Zunhua City on Chinese New Year's Eve when they were distributing truth-clarification materials. Personnel from the town's police station arrested the two practitioners and held them at an unknown location.

5. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Zhou Huimin Put into the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp

Personnel from the Chenghua District Police Department arrested Ms. Zhou Huimin from Chengdu City and put her into the Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp. Police from Jiangjin County, Chongqing arrested a male practitioner at the same time.

6. [Chongqing] Gao Yunxia Put into the Yongchuan Women's Prison

Ms. Gao Yunxia from the Changshou District was arrested and put into the Yongchuan Women's Prison.

7. [Nanpi County, Hebei Province] Police Extort Money from Zhang Yuying

Personnel from Nanpi County Police Department released Ms. Zhang Yuying on the morning of February 5, 2008 after they fined her 10,000 yuan. Police did not return Ms. Zhang's Dafa books, truth-clarification CDs and exercise tapes.

Police and 610 Office agents incited criminals to beat Ms. Zhang. Wang Yuliang, an officer from the "610 Office," threatened her prior to her release and ordered her not to release any information about the abuse she suffered.

Ms. Wang Xiaohua from Dongguang County is still being held at the Nanpi Detention Center. Personnel from the county police department arrested Ms. Wang on January 18, 2008 and put her into the detention center.

Zhang Zhongfeng, Nanpi County "610 Office" head: 86-317-8854799 (O), 86-13831753968 (C)
Xu Weisen, deputy head: 86-13833992978 (C)
Wang Yuliang: 86-317-8853077 (H), 86-13832717188 (C)

8. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] "610 Office" Agents Arrested Lu Jingxiang and Du Hongxia

Personnel from the Zhaoyuan City "610 Office" and from the Jinling Town Police Station arrested Mr. Lu Jingxiang and his wife Ms. Du Hongxia on the night of February 5, 2008. Police left their baby home alone and detained them.

9. [Tianjin] Police from Chengguan Town Forcibly Removed Satellite TV Receivers Used to View New Tang Dynasty TV Programs

On the morning of February 5, 2008, personnel from the Chengguan Town Police Station in the Wuqing District broke into Ms. Qin Guifang's home and removed the satellite dish used to view New Tang Dynasty TV programs. They did the same thing at Mr. Li Jianrong's home in Nantaoyuan Village.

10. [Shantou City, Shandong Province] Police Arrest a Practitioner in the Chaoyang District

Police arrested a practitioner near the Guiyu Town Police Station in the Chaoyang District, Shantou City at 8:00 p.m. on Chinese New Year's Day when he was hanging up Falun Gong banners.

Guiyu Town Police Station: 86-754-4442375

11. [Mengyin County, Shandong Province] Persecution of Zhao Chuanwu

Ten lawless officers from Duozhuang Town, Mengyin County ransacked several practitioners' homes on January 28, 2008. The harassed practitioners included Mr. Zhao Chuanwu, Mr. Qi Chengrong, Ms. Liu Naimei, Mr. Liu Changrui, Mr. Duan Dedao, Mr. Liu Yuanshu, Mr. Gong Quanrong and Mr. Wang Xianrong. The police confiscated a laptop computer, an MP3 player, some truth-clarification materials and CDs. One these practitioners has become homeless to avoid the persecution.

12. [Baishan City, Jilin Province] Ran Jing Held at the Changchun City Women's Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Ruan Jing from Quanyang County, Baishan City was arrested at 11:20 a.m. on April 29, 2006 and then sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor. She was held at the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City. Her detention term was extended because she refused to give up Falun Gong practice.

Mr. Sun Changping from Lushuihe County, Baishan City was released before the Chinese New Year. Ms. Song Weixiang used to be held at the Changchun City Women's Prison, and was released in the summer of 2007.

13. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Persecution of Dong Huide

Personnel from the Jingyuan Street Police Precinct in the Chengguan District arrested Mr. Dong Huide in November 2007 when he was telling people the facts about Falun Gong in Xujiawan, Lanzhou City. The police sentenced him to 15 months of forced labor. Mr. Dong is presently being held at the Ping'antai Forced Labor Camp's No. 6 Division in Lanzhou City. Family visits have been denied.

Mr. Dong, 36 years old, graduated from the Harbin City Technology University in 1995 and has worked in the Lanshi Factory since then. He went to appeal for Falun Gong in October 2000 and was thus held at the city's Xiguoyuan Detention Center. He was bailed out in May 2001, but was arrested again in March 2002 and sentenced to one year of forced labor for telling people the facts about Falun Gong.

Lanzhou City' Jingyuan Street Police Station: 86-931-8368704;

Jing Zijie, chief
Baitashan Park Police Station: 86-9318366055

14. [Jilin Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Persecution of Practitioners in Changchun City in 2007

Mr. Wang Wei and Mr. Wang Ruping are being held at the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp.

Ms. Xiao Benying is being held at the Jilin Province Women's Forced Labor Camp.

Mr. Jiang Zhiping and his wife Ms. Dong Fengqin have been released. Ms. Dong was released the day she was arrested, and Mr. Jiang was released after a 15-day detention at the Weizigou Detention Center. Police ransacked their home and took a computer, two printers, five removable disks, a hard disk, a paper-cutter, two boxes of white paper, a few internet devices and a tape recorder. Altogether, the stolen items are worth more than 10,000 yuan.

Several practitioners are still being held at the Jilin Province Women's Prison. Ms. Yang Mingfang was released in 2007.

Mr. Jiang Jianfeng was arrested on October 13, 2007 and sentenced to two and a half years of forced labor. He is presently being held at the Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp.

February 10, 2008