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My Relatives Are Blessed for Their Belief in Dafa

Feb. 22, 2008


I read Zhuan Falun for the first time in 1998. Before I was able to appreciate its profound principles, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the persecution of Falun Dafa. Deceived by their lies and intimidated by the frightening environment, I gave up my cultivation.

Seven years passed quickly. In May 2006, through a practitioner's guidance, I read carefully the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, Dissolve the Culture of the Communist Party, and Teacher's lectures given since the persecution began. I learned the truth about Dafa and decided to start cultivating again. I also clarified the truth to people, starting with my family and relatives, urging them to quit the CCP and its associated organizations. I gave truth clarifying materials to those who had health problems and told them to recite sincerely,"Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance" is good." I got over 40 people to quit the CCP in a six-month period. My insomnia, kidney, and sinus problems disappeared. My family members and relatives were also blessed.

My mother had all sorts of illnesses. She had several life-threatening tribulations in her life. She recited "Falun Dafa is good" every day, and asked for Falun Gong materials to read. Her arthritis had made her immobile, but it then disappeared, and her high blood pressure also improved. My father, who did not believe in Dafa, now scolds anyone who badmouths Dafa.

My uncle had stomach cancer and, according to the doctor, had only a few months to live. With my help, he quit the CCP and its associated organizations and was faithful in studying Zhuan Falun. He can now take some solid food slowly, and his condition has been stable ever since. The conditions of my other uncle and his wife, both suffering from various illnesses, have improved also. The family became harmonious after learning the facts about Dafa.

Some of my family wants to learn Falun Dafa

I was the only person in my family who practiced at first. My grandmother started to practice in 1999 but gave it up when the persecution began. The illnesses that had been bothering her before she started cultivating returned. Recently, with my help, she began to listen to Teacher's lectures again.

My husband originally was against my studying Dafa. He beat me, scolded me, hid my books, and created all sorts of tribulations for me in past years. Since coming back from a trip to Beijing in November 2007, where I lived and worked for six months, he changed drastically. He often yelled "Falun Dafa is good" at places where there was a crowd and helped me get a computer and a printer. Recently he often told me, "Mr. So and So wants to learn Falun Gong," "Those truck drivers all said that Falun Dafa is good." I knew that he wanted to learn Falun Gong himself.

My mother, who worried about me all the time, has helped me by preventing others from bothering me when I send forth righteous thoughts. My sister is a very cowardly type of person. She has been concerned about my practicing Dafa and afraid that I might be arrested and our family members affected. She said to me after seeing my behavior and the improvement in my health recently, "I want to learn Falun Gong, too."

An 81-year old person experienced a miracle after cultivating in Dafa for ten years

My uncle, a resident in Heze City, Shandong Province, is 81 years old this year. He has been practicing Falun Gong for ten years. On October 8, 2007 (lunar calendar), he rode his tricycle out to do business and got lost at dusk on his way home. He kept riding south and was hit by a motorcycle. He fell into a ditch next to the road that was four-meters deep and had a half a meter of water in it.

He was not sure how it happened exactly, but my uncle suddenly ended up sitting on the seat of the tricycle when the collision occurred. He fell into the ditch along with the tricycle, which was damaged, but he was okay. It could be a catastrophe for an 80-year old person to be hit on level ground, not to mention being knocked into a four-meter-deep ditch. Even a youngster would be injured badly. My uncle said, "Teacher must have saved me, otherwise I would have died."

Thank you Teacher for saving my husband twice

I am a practitioner in Handan City. When the CCP first began its persecution of Falun Gong, the TV aired programs slandering Dafa. My husband said "These are all fabrications! Lies!" Once we went to a meeting. On our way back, my husband told the driver "Recite often 'Falun Dafa is good' and you will be safe driving the bus." But later he was deceived by the CCP propaganda and did not believe in Dafa anymore. He would sometimes badmouth Dafa after a few drinks. One night in the summer of 2007, he could not fall asleep after he had been drinking. Not knowing what caused it, suddenly his eyes became expressionless and his limbs stretched out motionless. I yelled twice "Teacher, please save my husband," and he came to. The first sentence he said was "Thank Teacher Li for saving me."

On the night of December 30, 2007, he suddenly could not speak while he was drinking water after he had been drinking. I yelled as I did last time "Teacher, please save my husband." I kept yelling for over half an hour until he came to. I told him "Why don't you quit the CCP right now?" This time he agreed.

I wrote these experiences to thank Teacher for saving my husband. Teacher ignored my husband's disrespect to Dafa when he was drunk and saved him twice. I thank Teacher and I want to tell people that Falun Dafa is good, and it is a righteous Fa. Heaven is going to annihilate the CCP, so quit it as soon as you can so you will be safe. If you sincerely recite "Falun Dafa is good" in your mind, heaven will bless you and keep you safe.