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Additional Cases of the Financial Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by the Police and CCP Officials of Yixian, Liaoning Province

Feb. 22, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) The police and CCP officials in Yixian, Liaoning Province, ruthlessly confiscated the money and property of Falun Gong practitioners and deprived them of their rights. The 23 additional cases listed below that expose the financial persecution of Falun Gong estimate a total of 319,510 yuan extorted from practitioners. The 14 cases detailed previously amounted to the extortion of 97,700 yuan from Falun Gong practitioners. The first 15 cases exposed amounted to the extortion of 485,380 yuan. The total is 902,590 yuan, close to one million yuan, which Falun Gong practitioners depend on to live, but was confiscated and is still being kept by the police and CCP officials without following any legal procedures or providing any official documentation.

Cases Involving Several Departments of Yixian Local Government:

  1. Yixian Public Security Bureau Yizhou Town Police Station officials extorted 9,000 yuan plus 11,000 yuan in gift money from Liulongtai Town practitioners. (Note: Gift money means the practitioner or a family member was pressured into paying the money in exchange for the practitioner's release from unlawful detention.)
  2. Yixian Education Bureau officials extorted 5,000 yuan in gift money from Dizhangshi Township practitioners.
  3. Yixian Detention Center officials extorted 780 (400 plus 380) yuan from Dizhangshi Township practitioners.
  4. Yixian Dizhangshi Township local government officials extorted 630 yuan from local practitioners.
  5. Yixian Hongqiangze Township local government officials deducted 1,500 (1,000 plus 500) yuan in wages from local practitioners.
  6. Yixan Detention Center officials extorted 800 yuan from one practitioner.

Cases Involving Yixian Police and CCP Officials:

  1. Wang Hanlin: When Wang was the chief of the Yixian Liulongtai Town Police Station, he extorted 11,500 yuan from local practitioners.
  2. Chu Xiangwu: When Chu was the chief of the Yixian Liulongtai Town Police Station, he (and police officer Chan Yuzhu) extorted 11,000 yuan from local practitioners.
  3. Chan Yuzhu and Yu Baoer: When they were the police officers of Yixian Liulonggou Township Police Station, they extorted 3,000 yuan from local practitioners.
  4. Yang Yuxiang: When Yang was the head of the Political Security Section of the Yixian Public Security Bureau, he extorted 4,000 yuan from Liulonggou Township practitioners. On September 28, 1999, he extorted 2,000 yuan from Dizhangshi Township Dafa practitioners, and together with Li Jinglin, he extorted 20,000 yuan (10,000 each) from Gaotaize Town practitoners. Cumulative total: 16,000 yuan.
  5. Wang Zhanli: When he was working at the Political Security Section of Yixian Public Security Bureau, he extorted 3,000 yuan from Liulonggou Township practitioners and 4,000 yuan from Toudaohe Township Heishan Village practitioners. Cumulative total: 7,000 yuan.
  6. Zhang Yanfu: When Zhang was at the Political Security Section of Yixian Public Security Bureau, he extorted 10,000 yuan from Liulongtai Town Dafa practitioners and 4,000 yuan from Toudaohe Township Heishan Village practitioners. Cumulative total: 14,000 yuan.
  7. Zhang Yanfu and Wang Zhanlin: They formed a partnership and extorted 4,000 yuan from a practitioner. In November 1999, they extorted 3,000 yuan from a practitioner. In August 2001, they extorted another 1,200 yuan from this same practitioner. Cumulative total: 8,200 yuan.
  8. Liu Xiangjun: When Liu was the Head of Yixian Liulongtai Town Police Station, he extorted three sums from Liulongtai Town practitioners: 5,000 yuan plus 2,000 yuan (500 yuan of which was returned) plus 10,000 yuan. Total: 16,500 yuan. He also extorted from Hongqiangze Township practitioners 6,600 yuan. Cumulative total: 23,100 yuan.
  9. Zhang Qingquan: When Zhang was the head of the Yixian Dizhangshi Township Police Station, he extorted from local practitioners 1,000 yuan, a VCD player, and a recorder.
  10. Yu Mou: When Yu was at the Yixian Dizhangshi Township Police Station, he extorted from local practitioners 8,000 yuan.
  11. Li Chunyu: When Li was the team leader of the State Security Team of Yixian Public Security Bureau, he extorted Dizhangshi Township practitioners out of 2,000 yuan on December 26, 2001.
  12. Li Fuquan: When Li was the head of Yixian Toudaohe Township Police Station, he extorted Heishan Village practitioners out of a total of 17,600 yuan.
  13. Li Jinglin: When Li was the head of Yixian Gaotaize Town Police Station, along with Yang Yuziang, he extorted 15,000 yuan, a recorder, and a VCD player.
  14. Shi Shangyi, Yixian Gaotaizi Town village Party secretary confiscated a TV set (worth about 2,800 yuan), 1,100 yuan (according to village records), a recorder, an electric grinder and a house ownership certificate (everything was returned except the TV).
  15. Tian Yubin: When Tian was the head of Yixian Gaotaizi Town Police Station, he extorted 5,000 yuan from a practitioner.
  16. Chen Fuzhi: When Chen was the head of Yixian Gaotaizi Town Police Station, he extorted 18,000 yuan from local practitioners.
  17. Zhou Baojun and Yang Zhou: When they were the head of Yixian Juliangtun Township Police Station and the political instructor, they extorted money from practitioners 11 times, for a total of 23,850 yuan.
  18. Yixian State Security Team, Yixian Criminal Police Team Pan Guodong and head of Yixian Juliangtun Township Police Station Zhou Baojun, together extorted 10,000 yuan from Juliangtun practitioners.
  19. Wang Shaobin: When Wang was the head of Yixian Hongqiangze Township Police Station, he extorted money from practitioners three times. Cumulative total: 15,750 yuan.
  20. Wang Fumin extorted 8,700 yuan from Hongqiangzi Township practitioners.
  21. Li Zisen and Yang Zhanshan together extorted 4,000 yuan from a practitioner.
  22. There is one practitioner who had money extorted from him by Yang Yuxiang and Zhang Yanfu from the Yixian Public Security Bureau and Political Security Section five times from September 1999 to 2004. The cumulative total came to 29,800 yuan.
  23. There is another practitioner who was extorted out of a total of 57,400 yuan from 2000 to 2005 by former Yixian Public Security Bureau State Security Team Li Chunyu, Political Security Section Wang Zhanlin and Zhang Yanfu, and former Yixian Yangxiang Police Station Director Chen Nailian.