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Hainan Local Police Station in Hailin City Brutally Persecuted Ms. Ning Yan in 2005

Feb. 4, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) [Note: The following is a condensed version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the Minghui.org website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net).]

On the evening of March 4, 2005, Dafa disciple Ms. Ning Yan from Mudanjiang City, Heilongjian Province, in her 50s, was illegally arrested in NanLagu, Hailin City, by local police from the Hainan Station.

Because Ms. Ning refused to give her name and address, the Hainan police chief beat her without restraint and handcuffed her to an iron chair for a whole night [Note: Because of the Chinese Communist Party's system of implicating and harassing Dafa practitioners' family members, friends and work associates, practitioners often refuse to give their name and address when they are arrested]. The next day, a police officer came to work and beat her again. Seeing that Ms. Ning was determined and would not yield, he used a glass bottle to pound Ms. Ning's head until only the neck of the bottle was left in the police officer's hand. Blood flowed from Ms. Ning's mouth. She vomited from the beating and her vision became blurred.

Even now, Ms. Ning's vision is often blurry. She often has memory lapses and cannot recall anything. When the police officer finally saw that she was not going to give him her name, Hainan Police Station officers delivered her to the Hailin National Security Team, who took her to Hailin Municipal Jail.

Zhang Ying, a female guard in Hailin Municipal Jail, used her heavy leather shoes to ruthlessly trample Ms. Ning's face. When she slept, they did not allow her to cover herself with a blanket. In the early spring in Northeast China, it is always below zero. Ms. Ning was only allowed to wear a shirt and underpants and had to sleep on a hard board. Some well-intentioned people asked for a favor for her, that she be allowed to have a blanket. Zhang Ying said, "When she tells her name, then we allow her to use a blanket." A kind inmate saw Ms. Ning alone, so when Zhang Ying left, she gave her blanket to Ms. Ning, but Zhang Ying later took it away.