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New Zealand: Press Conference Calls for End to CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos)

Aug. 10, 2008 |   By a practitioner in New Zealand

(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of August 6, 2008, a New Zealand delegation of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) held a press conference at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Auckland. The speakers in the conference included Mr. Barry Wilson, chairman of the Auckland Civil Rights Association, Dr. Cathy Casey, member of the Auckland City Council, Spokesperson Margaret Taylor of Amnesty International New Zealand, Mr. Bernie Ogilvy, secretary of the Kiwi Party, Mr. Naing Ko Ko, representative of Democratic Myanmar, and 15-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Anna Shi. The New Zealand National Radio Broadcasting Station and the largest newspaper, New Zealand Herald were present to cover the event.

Speakers at the press conference

The press conference was hosted by Mr. Barry Wilson. He said that within a short time 41,000 signatures were collected in New Zealand and more than 1.4 million signatures were collected worldwide calling for an end to the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. The event both moving and shocking. Mr. Wilson came to know about the persecution of Falun Gong when he worked in Hong Kong. He said that the reason for the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong was because the CCP is atheistic and afraid of people with belief.

City Council Member: You are guilty if you are indifferent

Auckland City Council Member Dr. Cathy Casey signs the petition banner to support Falun Gong

City Council Member Dr. Cathy Casey pointed out during the press conference that if people had known of the Nazi's concentration camps killing Jews before the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, then Germany would have not been allowed to host the Olympic Games. She asked, "Then why do we still allow the CCP to host the Olympic Games today, as there are many investigative reports on the persecution of Falun Gong and other groups?"

She also showed a map with directions from the Beijing Bird's Nest Stadium to the Women's Forced Labor Camp and Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp nearby. Unfortunately, foreign reporters in China can't find this information since the CCP maintains an Internet information blockade. But if one walks towards the labor camps, he can find them. The CCP ignores human rights and persecutes innocent people while hosting the Olympics. Should we do nothing? In New Zealand it is impossible for this to happen.

Dr. Casey had surgery two years ago to have a kidney removed, and she understands well the pain of a patient. In New Zealand, patients have to wait for two years for a donated kidney. But if you go to China, you can obtain a matching kidney right away. These organs are most probably from imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners. After learning of the CCP atrocities, Dr. Casey joined the CIPFG. She was shocked when she first learned about Mr. David Kilgour and Mr. David Matas' investigative report on the CCP organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. She has since paid attention to practitioners' safety. She tried her best to request help for Falun Gong practitioners. She believes that we are complicit if we are indifferent to the atrocities.The CCP boasts about how democratic it is, and then slanders Falun Gong on the Chinese Embassy's website. Dr. Casey sternly condemned the CCP.

Spokesperson from Amnesty International: CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is the most brutal

Spokesperson Ms. Margaret Taylor of Amnesty International signs petition banner to support Falun Gong

Spokesperson Ms. Margaret Taylor of Amnesty International attended the press conference. Reports from Amnesty International regarding the CCP's unlawful imprisonment of Falun Gong practitioners in jails, labor camps, and detention centers indicate that more than a hundred practitioners were tortured to death between January and December 2007. The CCP blocks this information and foreign reporters in China cannot browse mainstream Western websites, especially those websites focusing on China's human rights, which are completely blocked.

Secretary of Kiwi Party: We cannot be indifferent and keep silent

Secretary of Kiwi Party Mr. Bernie Ogilvy signs petition banner to support Falun Gong

Secretary of the Kiwi Party Mr. Bernie Ogilvy was worried about the New Zealand government's stance of remaining silent and spineless. He believes that everyone has responsibility and the ability to help stop the crimes occurring today. We cannot ignore the voice of more than forty thousand people in New Zealand and more than one million worldwide who signed the petition in a short period of several months. We can't be indifferent and remain silent while knowing that Falun Gong practitioners are being tortured to death for their beliefs.