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Malaysia: Global Signature Campaign Calls for Justice (Photos)

Aug. 10, 2008 |   By a practitioner in Malaysia

(Clearwisdom.net) The Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) Malaysia delegation handed over more than seven thousand signatures from Malaysia and a memorandum about the "Million Signatures Global Campaign" to the Chinese Embassy. Similar events, to show the vast, unified voice against the persecution of Falun Gong, were held in twelve other countries concurrently. Before this event, the signatures were also handed over to the Malaysian Prime Minister, the Foreign Affairs minister, and the Director of the Malaysian Olympics Committee.

Event for handing in signatures for the "Million Signatures Global Campaign" to the Chinese Embassy

The event attracted media reporters

Lawyer Yang Yongjian and two other CIPFG representatives show the signature collection results to the media

Attorney Yang Yongjian from CIPFG gave a speech at the event. "The mission of the activity is to extend 1.35 million people's condemnation of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong to the Chinese embassy. These people are from 133 countries. Don't ignore the small group of people here today. They represent humanity and the 1.35 million signatures, as well as the voices of tens of thousands of other people who were unable to sign the petition."

After the speech, Mr. Yang handed over the memorandum to the Chinese Embassy at 1:00 p.m. The rally lasted about forty-five minutes and was attended by Falun Gong practitioners and supporters.

CIPFG is composed of more than four hundred political leaders, lawyers, doctors, and reporters in five continents. At the beginning of this year, CIPFG initiated the "Million Signatures Global Campaign" in Hong Kong. The campaign won the support of 1,356,232 people from 133 countries calling for an end to the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong.

So far the signature results have been handed over to the Australian Parliament, the US Congress, the New Zealand Parliament, and the International Olympic Committee. In addition, the results will be submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council, the European Union, the European Parliament and well-known international human rights organizations.