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Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC): Falun Gong Practitioners Request Investigation into CCP Forced Labor Camp

Aug. 10, 2008

(Clearwisdom.net) ABC reported on August 6, 2008 that about a hundred Falun Gong practitioners gathered at the business area in Sydney, Australia, calling for a large scale investigation into the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) forced labor camps during the Olympic Games.

Falun Gong practitioners said that from last December to the end of this June, about 8,000 Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested in China. The practitioners gathering at the business area called on journalists to go to China's forced labor camps to investigate while covering the Olympic Games.

Falun Gong practitioners stood in front of banners to call for justice. Two female practitioners recounted their experiences of being tortured [for practicing Falun Gong when they were in China.]

Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jennifer Zeng said that the Games should be used by international media as an opportunity to investigate torture claims. "Just miles away from the Olympic venue, people are being tortured or even being tortured to death," she said.

Ms. Zeng said, "I was detained in the Beijing female labor camp for one year for practicing Falun Gong."

[quotes are from ABC website version.--http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/08/07/2327354.htm]